
The Trust has com­piled a bib­li­og­ra­phy of works on the Scot­tish print­ing indus­try and use­ful links can be found on the links page through the menu on the left.

Oth­er resources include a list of the insti­tu­tions across Scot­land with print­ing-relat­ed archives, and a detailed list which can be down­loaded from our archives page. Some com­pa­nies pub­lished his­to­ries to com­mem­o­rate mile­stones in their devel­op­ment. The Trust has scanned or tran­scribed a num­ber of these, which are avail­able on the Print­ing Com­pa­nies page. Unions also pro­duced rule books and peri­od­i­cals for their mem­bers: again some of these have been scanned and are avail­able on the Trade Unions page. Online exhi­bi­tions and oth­er web­sites of inter­est are list­ed on

Copies of the Trust’s Annu­al Reports, and copies of the print­ed newslet­ter are avail­able to down­load.

All Trust pub­li­ca­tions can be pur­chased through the online shop.

  • Glas­gow print trail leaflet
  • Edin­burgh print trail leaflet
  • Rules for Com­pos­i­tors poster: fac­sim­i­le of print­ing chapel rules from the eigh­teenth century
  • Mechan­i­cal to dig­i­tal print­ing in Scot­land: the print employ­ers’ organ­i­sa­tion by Pro­fes­sor John Gennard
  • 500 years of print­ing in Scot­land. 2009
  • Rep­u­ta­tion for excel­lence series 
    •  Edin­burgh, 1990
    • Glas­gow, 1994
    • Dundee and Perth, 1996
    • Aberdeen and North­ern Coun­ties, 2000