Scotland’s Printing Industry Heritage

Scot­land’s Print­ing Her­itage pro­motes inter­est in the his­to­ry of the print­ing indus­try, which is one of Scot­land’s old­est and works with insti­tu­tions across Scot­land to ensure that print­ing archives and arte­facts are not lost. It is the pub­lic face of the Scot­tish Print­ing Archival Trust, formed in 1988 to con­serve ‘knowl­edge and exam­ples of Scot­land’s print­ing heritage’.

Rules and Directions to be observed in Printing-Houses poster

Our pub­li­ca­tions on the his­to­ry of the Scot­tish print­ing indus­try are all avail­able through our online shop, includ­ing the Print Trail leaflets for Edin­burgh and Glas­gow, and the Rules for the print­ing shop.

Oth­er activ­i­ties have includes exhi­bi­tions (for exam­ple in the Glas­gow Her­ald’s for­mer print­ing works in 2018), guid­ed walks and train­ing work­shops on tra­di­tion­al let­ter­press skills. We worked with Nation­al Muse­ums Scot­land to ensure that the 1904 ‘Cos­sar Patent Flat Bed Web News­pa­per Print­ing Machine’ from Crieff was not scrapped, and worked with the Nation­al Library of Scot­land and Print Scot­land to cel­e­brate 500 years of print­ing in Scot­land. You can find out more on the Projects page.

For more infor­ma­tion about our work, email us, use the con­tact form or fol­low us on X/Twit­ter.

Mate­r­i­al from this web­site should not be repro­duced with­out permission.

Last updat­ed 22 Octo­ber 2024