OTD 22 January 1935

The Edward Clark Wing of Her­i­ot-Watt Col­lege was offi­cial­ly opened by the Sec­re­tary of State for Scot­land, Sir God­frey Collins (of the Glas­gow print­ing firm) on 22 Jan­u­ary 1935. It had been new­ly refur­bished with up-to-date equip­ment for train­ing appren­tice print­ers under the terms of Edward Clark’s will.

OTD 11 December 1862

Edward Clark, son of Robert Clark of the Edin­burgh print­ing firm R & R Clark, was born on 11 Decem­ber 1862. On his death in 1926, he left funds to sup­port the teach­ing of print­ing in Edin­burgh, includ­ing fund­ing a col­lec­tion of books for the use of the stu­dents. The Edward Clark Col­lec­tion is in […]