St Bride at 125

An exhi­bi­tion cel­e­brat­ing the first 125 years of St Bride Library is run­ning from Decem­ber 1 2021–March 1 2022. The exhi­bi­tion will pro­vide a pot­ted his­to­ry of the St Bride Foun­da­tion, demon­strat­ing the vital role of the library and high­light­ing the activ­i­ties of the Foun­da­tion, includ­ing the pur­­pose-built print school, sport­ing and social clubs. For […]

Justin Howes Memorial Lecture 2021

John Hud­son will give the Justin Howes Memo­r­i­al Lec­ture at St Brides Library on Thurs­day 20 May at 7pm. His talk is enti­tled The com­mand­ed let­ter: writ­ing, engrav­ing and typog­ra­phy in eigh­­teenth-cen­­tu­ry Lon­don. For more details and infor­ma­tion about how to book see the St Bride’s website.

Lecture on Jan Tschichold and typography

On Thurs­day 29 April at 7pm, Paul Stir­ton will give a talk via zoom on Jan Tschi­chold and the new typog­ra­phy. For more details and infor­ma­tion about how to book see the St Bride’s website.

St Brides: online event

On Wednes­day 10 Feb­ru­ary at 7pm, Agyei Archer will give a talk via zoom enti­tled Do it like you do it , explor­ing the val­ue of ver­nac­u­lar design in the Eng­lish-speak­ing Caribbean. For more details and infor­ma­tion about how to book see the St Bride’s website.