The annual St Bride Foundation Wayzegoose will take place on Sunday 27th April 2025, from 11:00 — 16:00. Explore numerous stalls selling letterpress supplies, type and ornaments, paper, printed items, second-hand books and type specimens and there will of course be cake! For more details see the St Bride Foundation website.
Print Networks 2023
The annual Print Networks / CPHC Symposium takes place in partnership with St Bride Library in London on 19 July 2023 The theme this year is ‘Print networks between London and the regions, looking at looks at physical and metaphorical book trade connections between London and the regions from the early modern to the present. […]
Wood engraving taster day at St Brides
St Brides Foundation in London are running a taster course, suitable for absolute beginners, on the relief printing technique of wood engraving on Tuesday 27 February 2023 from 11am- 17pm. For more details and how to book, see the St Brides website.
Talk on the origins of the Adana press
Adana was founded in 1922 and still trading today as part of the Caslon group of companies. Bob Richardson will give a talk (in person at St Bride Foundation & online) entitled Print Pound Notes! Celebrating 100 years of Adana on 31 January 2023. For more details and how to book see the St Bride […]
Beatrice Warde Lecture 2022
The 2022 Beatrice Warde Memorial Lecture take place on 10 November. It will be a celebration of Beatrice’s life and work by Nicolas Barker, who met her in the late 1940s. For more details and how to book a place (in-person or online) see the St Bride’s Foundation website.
Adana workshops at St Brides
St Brides Foundation is holding one-day workshops on printing with an Adana press: details of dates and how to book are on their website.
Introductions to St Brides and the Norwich Printing Museum
The next Typographic Surprises event will be held in conjunction with the Printing Historical Society on Zoom on Thursday 16 June 6.30–8pm. It will consist of a virtual tour of the Library at the St Bride’s Institute with Sophie Hawkey-Edwards, Bob Richardson and Mick Clayton, featurinng highlights from the library, museum collections and workshop. Paul […]
February course at St Brides
St Bride’s Foundation are running a one day courses on using an Adana platen press, including hand typesetting and printing, as well as practical points regarding maintenance of the press, workshop management and what to look out for when purchasing equipment. It is running on 23 February. More details of the course and how to […]
St Brides Library is closed in February
The reading room at St Brides Library will be closed to readers during February 2022. The Librarian will still be available to answer queries: email [email protected].
St Brides Library
The reading room at St Brides Library is open every Wednesday. You can book a 3‑hour slots (12:00–3:00 or 3:30–6:30), by emailing [email protected].