Online presentation on printing

The Cen­tre for Print­ing His­to­ry and Cul­ture is hold­ing their sec­ond 20 x 20 Night on Thurs­day 17 June at 17:30. Tick­ets are free but book­ing is nec­es­sary, and you can reg­is­ter through their website.

Online conference on printing

Reg­is­tra­tion is open for the one day con­fer­ence on Places, spaces and the print­ing press: imprint­ing region­al iden­ti­ties organ­ised by the Cen­tre for Print­ing His­to­ry & Cul­ture in Birm­ing­ham and the Nation­al and Uni­ver­si­ty Library, Ljubl­jana, Slove­nia. It will take place online on Wednes­day 24 March 2021. Details of how to book are avail­able on […]

Online event on printing

His­to­ry of the Print­ed Image Net­work is hold­ing an online webi­nar on 22 March 2021 from 5–6.30pm on The art of indus­tri­al pub­lish­ing, look­ing at indus­tri­al pub­lish­ing and how busi­ness has used images for the fur­ther­ance of trade. The event is free but you must reg­is­ter: for more details see the Cen­tre for Print­ing History […]

Typographic Surprises!

The first event in this series organ­ised by the Print­ing His­tor­i­cal Soci­ety will take place on Fri­day 26 Feb­ru­ary at 6 pm and is free of charge. Speak­ers are Dr Alexan­dra Franklin dis­cussing 3‑D print­ing, Patrick Goossens on punch-cut­t­ing and type pro­duc­tion, and Mar­tin Killeen on ear­ly illus­trat­ed books. For more details and how to […]

Periscope Press acquires Victoria printing machine

SPrAT Trustee, Tim Hon­nor has recent­ly installed a new machine at the his pri­vate press in Inver­ness. The Vic­to­ria print­ing machine may be the only one of its kind in Scot­land in work­ing order — it was made in 1932 and is elec­tri­cal­ly dri­ven. The Periscope Press also has a trea­dle ‘Arab’ plat­en made in […]