Relief printmaking course at Edinburgh Printmakers

Edin­burgh Print­mak­ers are run­ning cours­es on relief print-mak­ing from 10 Novem­ber, tak­ing place over a series of six weeks. For more details and infor­ma­tion on how to book, see the EP website.

Typographic Surprise event in October

On Thurs­day 20 Octo­ber 2022, the Trust’s Sec­re­tary, Helen Williams, is giv­ing an online talk on Edin­burgh in Print in the Typo­graph­ic Sur­pris­es! series organ­ised by the Print­ing His­tor­i­cal Soci­ety. This event is free and online but book­ing is required through this link.

Adana workshops at St Brides

St Brides Foun­da­tion is hold­ing one-day work­shops on print­ing with an Adana press: details of dates and how to book are on their website.

Exhibition in Dundee

A free exhi­bi­tion opens on 2 July 2022 at the V & A Dundee, Sin­cere­ly, Valen­tines – From Post­cards to Greet­ings Cards tells the sto­ry of Valen­tines, found­ed in Dundee in 1825 and quick­ly becom­ing one of Dundee’s largest employ­ers. The exhi­bi­tion fea­tures pho­tographs, his­toric post­cards, pro­mo­tion­al com­pa­ny mag­a­zines, book­lets and greet­ings cards from the […]

Introductions to St Brides and the Norwich Printing Museum

The next Typo­graph­ic Sur­pris­es event will be held in con­junc­tion with the Print­ing His­tor­i­cal Soci­ety on Zoom on Thurs­day 16 June 6.30–8pm. It will con­sist of a vir­tu­al tour of the Library at the St Bride’s Insti­tute with Sophie Hawkey-Edwards, Bob Richard­son and Mick Clay­ton, fea­turin­ng high­lights from the library, muse­um col­lec­tions and work­shop. Paul […]

Booking open for Print Networks 2022

Book­ing is open for the 2022 Print Net­works con­fer­ence in Apple­­by-in-West­­­mor­­land on 26–27 April 2022: the theme is Around the text. The con­fer­ence details and link to book­ing on the web­site of the Cen­tre for Print­ing His­to­ry and Culture.

Robert Smail’s opening for 2022

Robert Smail’s Print­ing Works reopens on Fri­day 1 April for the 2022 sea­son. Spaces are lim­it­ed and access to the print­ing works is by pre-booked time slots only. For more details and how to book, see Smail’s page on the Nation­al Trust for Scot­land’s website. 

Typographic Surprises! online event

The lat­est online event in the Typo­graph­ic Sur­pris­es! series takes place via Zoom on 17 Feb­ru­ary 2022  at 6.30. Tim Pye will speak about ‘Print­ing Rem­nants in the Nation­al Trust’ and Edward Pot­ten will speak about ‘Dat­ing the Rylands Apoc­a­lypse Wood­block’. Join­ing is free, but book­ing is required. More details and a link to booking […]

Printing workshop at Glasgow Press

Join Glas­gow Press on 10 Feb­ru­ary for a let­ter­press work­shop, where you can cre­ate a poster using their antique Columbian and Van­der­cook print­ing press­es. For more details and how to book vis­it the What’s on Glas­gow site.

St Brides Library is closed in February

The read­ing room at St Brides Library will be closed to read­ers dur­ing Feb­ru­ary 2022. The Librar­i­an will still be avail­able to answer queries:  email [email protected].