Rising Star awards 2023

The Print­ing Char­i­ty’s Ris­ing Star Awards opened for entries on 1 Feb­ru­ary: peo­ple aged 18–30 work­ing in the print sec­tor are encour­aged to apply to fund train­ing and devel­op­ment oppor­tu­ni­ties. Entries close on Sun­day 2 April. For more details see the Ris­ing Star sec­tion of the Print­ing Char­i­ty’s website.

Printing Charity’s Rising Star Awards

The Print­ing Char­i­ty are on the look­out for Ris­ing Stars, and want to hear from peo­ple aged 18–30 and work­ing in the print, paper, pack­ag­ing, jour­nal­ism, pub­lish­ing, or graph­ics sec­tor. You can receive fund­ing of up to £1500 towards train­ing to devel­op your skills and reach your career goals. There more details about the awards […]

Printing Charity’s Rising Star awards 2021

The Print­ing Char­i­ty’s Ris­ing Star Awards sup­port peo­ple aged 18–30 in the print­ing indus­try with their per­son­al devel­op­ment. The dead­line for this year’s sub­mis­sion is 7 March 2021. You can find out more and apply on the Print­ing Char­i­ty’s website.