OTD 25 January 1817

The first ever edi­tion of The Scots­man, or Edin­burgh Polit­i­cal and Lit­er­ary Jour­nal was pro­duced on Sat­ur­day, Jan­u­ary 25 1817, from premis­es in Edin­burgh’s High Street. It was orig­i­nal­ly pub­lished week­ly, and became a dai­ly news­pa­per in 1850. The pro­pri­etors announced that their ‘first desire is to be hon­est, the sec­ond is to be useful’.

OTD 9 November 1868

On 9 Novem­ber 1868, the Glas­gow Her­ald moved into new premis­es on Buchanan Street, on a site that extends back to Mitchell Street. The frontage is dec­o­rat­ed with fig­ures of Guten­burg and Cax­ton. The Mitchell Street frontage was redesigned by Charles Ren­nie Mack­in­tosh at the end of the 19th century.

Breaking the news exhibition

A pop-up dis­play based on the British Library’s Break­ing the News exhi­bi­tion is on view at Edin­burgh’s Cen­tral Library. The dis­plays draw upon each library’s indi­vid­ual col­lec­tion and region­al con­nec­tions to cel­e­brate the val­ue of region­al news in com­mu­ni­ties across the UK. It is on dis­play 4 July — 4 August 2022. Break­ing the News […]