Wayzgoose at the Glasgow Press

The Glas­gow Press is stay­ing the work­shop for this year’s Wayz­goose on Sat­ur­day 18 Sep­tem­ber for Glas­gow’s 2021 Doors Open Day. Details of the let­ter­press work­shops are on the Doors Open Day website.

Periscope Press acquires Victoria printing machine

SPrAT Trustee, Tim Hon­nor has recent­ly installed a new machine at the his pri­vate press in Inver­ness. The Vic­to­ria print­ing machine may be the only one of its kind in Scot­land in work­ing order — it was made in 1932 and is elec­tri­cal­ly dri­ven. The Periscope Press also has a trea­dle ‘Arab’ plat­en made in […]