Talk by Helen Williams

As part of the National Trust for Scotland’s Gladstone’s Land Lecture Series, the Trust’s Honorary Secretary, Helen S Williams will be giving a talk on August 31 on Edinburgh’s Print Workers and their Organisations. Printers had a tradition of collective organisation: the typographical societies, which later became the print unions, operated as welfare organisations for […]

Talk on the origins of the Adana press

Adana was founded in 1922 and still trading today as part of the Caslon group of companies. Bob Richardson will give a talk (in person at St Bride Foundation & online) entitled Print Pound Notes! Celebrating 100 years of Adana on 31 January 2023.  For more details and how to book see the St Bride […]

Beatrice Warde Lecture 2022

The 2022 Beatrice Warde Memorial Lecture take place on 10 November. It will be a celebration of Beatrice’s life and work by Nicolas Barker, who met her in the late 1940s. For more details and how to book a place (in-person or online) see the St Bride’s Foundation website. 

Justin Howes Memorial Lecture 2021

John Hudson will give the Justin Howes Memorial Lecture at St Brides Library on Thursday 20 May at 7pm. His talk is entitled The commanded letter: writing, engraving and typography in eighteenth-century London. For more details and information about how to book see the St Bride’s website.