OTD 20 April 1707

Robert Foulis was born on 20 April 1707. He and his broth­er Andrew estab­lished the Foulis Press, print­er to the Uni­ver­si­ty of Glas­gow, which was known for the high qual­i­ty of its output .

Printing workshop at Glasgow Press

Join Glas­gow Press on 10 Feb­ru­ary for a let­ter­press work­shop, where you can cre­ate a poster using their antique Columbian and Van­der­cook print­ing press­es. For more details and how to book vis­it the What’s on Glas­gow site.

Wayzgoose at the Glasgow Press

The Glas­gow Press is stay­ing the work­shop for this year’s Wayz­goose on Sat­ur­day 18 Sep­tem­ber for Glas­gow’s 2021 Doors Open Day. Details of the let­ter­press work­shops are on the Doors Open Day website.