OTD 27 December 1638

George Ander­son, the first print­er in the city, was admit­ted as Burgess and Guild Broth­er in Glas­gow on 27 Decem­ber 1638.

OTD 23 November 1712

Andrew Foulis was born on 23 Novem­ber 1712. With his broth­er Robert, he found­ed the Foulis Press, print­er to the Uni­ver­si­ty of Glas­gow. The Foulis Press was known for the high qual­i­ty of the books it produced.

OTD 20 November 1809

On 20 Novem­ber 1809 John Black­ie estab­lished the print­ing firm in Glas­gow which was known lat­er as Black­ie & Son.

OTD 9 November 1868

On 9 Novem­ber 1868, the Glas­gow Her­ald moved into new premis­es on Buchanan Street, on a site that extends back to Mitchell Street. The frontage is dec­o­rat­ed with fig­ures of Guten­burg and Cax­ton. The Mitchell Street frontage was redesigned by Charles Ren­nie Mack­in­tosh at the end of the 19th century.

OTD 12 October 1789

William Collins, founder of the Glas­gow print­ing and pub­lish­ing house, was born.

OTD 11 June 1825

11 June 1825 The first issue of The Glas­gow Look­ing Glass was pub­lished by John Wat­son in Glas­gow. It pio­neered the use of the rel­a­tive­ly  new lith­o­graph­ic print­ing process, and has been described as the world’s first comic.

Printing workshop at Glasgow Press

Join Glas­gow Press on 10 Feb­ru­ary for a let­ter­press work­shop, where you can cre­ate a poster using their antique Columbian and Van­der­cook print­ing press­es. For more details and how to book vis­it the What’s on Glas­gow site.

Wayzgoose at the Glasgow Press

The Glas­gow Press is stay­ing the work­shop for this year’s Wayz­goose on Sat­ur­day 18 Sep­tem­ber for Glas­gow’s 2021 Doors Open Day. Details of the let­ter­press work­shops are on the Doors Open Day website.