St Bride’s Wayzegoose 2025

The annu­al St Bride Foun­da­tion Wayze­goose will take place on Sun­day 27th April 2025, from 11:00 — 16:00. Explore numer­ous stalls sell­ing let­ter­press sup­plies, type and orna­ments, paper, print­ed items, sec­ond-hand books and type spec­i­mens and there will of course be cake! For more details see the St Bride Foun­da­tion website.

Typographic Surprise event in October

On Thurs­day 20 Octo­ber 2022, the Trust’s Sec­re­tary, Helen Williams, is giv­ing an online talk on Edin­burgh in Print in the Typo­graph­ic Sur­pris­es! series organ­ised by the Print­ing His­tor­i­cal Soci­ety. This event is free and online but book­ing is required through this link.

Typographic Surprises! online event

The lat­est online event in the Typo­graph­ic Sur­pris­es! series takes place via Zoom on 17 Feb­ru­ary 2022  at 6.30. Tim Pye will speak about ‘Print­ing Rem­nants in the Nation­al Trust’ and Edward Pot­ten will speak about ‘Dat­ing the Rylands Apoc­a­lypse Wood­block’. Join­ing is free, but book­ing is required. More details and a link to booking […]

Seminar on printed illustrations

The next HoPIN webi­nar will be held on Thurs­day, 20 Jan­u­ary 2002, 5–6.30pm (GMT) on Zoom. The themes is ‘Con­trasts in Print’ and the speak­ers are Sue May and Johan­na Holmes. No charge to attend but book­ing is essential.

Online presentation on printing

The Cen­tre for Print­ing His­to­ry and Cul­ture is hold­ing their sec­ond 20 x 20 Night on Thurs­day 17 June at 17:30. Tick­ets are free but book­ing is nec­es­sary, and you can reg­is­ter through their website.

Lecture on Jan Tschichold and typography

On Thurs­day 29 April at 7pm, Paul Stir­ton will give a talk via zoom on Jan Tschi­chold and the new typog­ra­phy. For more details and infor­ma­tion about how to book see the St Bride’s website.

Online event on printing

His­to­ry of the Print­ed Image Net­work is hold­ing an online webi­nar on 22 March 2021 from 5–6.30pm on The art of indus­tri­al pub­lish­ing, look­ing at indus­tri­al pub­lish­ing and how busi­ness has used images for the fur­ther­ance of trade. The event is free but you must reg­is­ter: for more details see the Cen­tre for Print­ing History […]

Typographic Surprises!

The first event in this series organ­ised by the Print­ing His­tor­i­cal Soci­ety will take place on Fri­day 26 Feb­ru­ary at 6 pm and is free of charge. Speak­ers are Dr Alexan­dra Franklin dis­cussing 3‑D print­ing, Patrick Goossens on punch-cut­t­ing and type pro­duc­tion, and Mar­tin Killeen on ear­ly illus­trat­ed books. For more details and how to […]

Bookbinding showcase

You can join the Nation­al Library of Scot­land online for a vir­tu­al show­case of the win­ning entries for the Eliz­a­beth Soutar Book­bind­ing Com­pe­ti­tion 2020, which had the 1980s as its theme. You will be able toview the win­ning designs, and to hear from the book­binders about their respons­es to the com­pe­ti­tion brief and their creative […]

St Brides: online event

On Wednes­day 10 Feb­ru­ary at 7pm, Agyei Archer will give a talk via zoom enti­tled Do it like you do it , explor­ing the val­ue of ver­nac­u­lar design in the Eng­lish-speak­ing Caribbean. For more details and infor­ma­tion about how to book see the St Bride’s website.