The annual St Bride Foundation Wayzegoose will take place on Sunday 27th April 2025, from 11:00 — 16:00. Explore numerous stalls selling letterpress supplies, type and ornaments, paper, printed items, second-hand books and type specimens and there will of course be cake! For more details see the St Bride Foundation website.
Typographic Surprise event in October
On Thursday 20 October 2022, the Trust’s Secretary, Helen Williams, is giving an online talk on Edinburgh in Print in the Typographic Surprises! series organised by the Printing Historical Society. This event is free and online but booking is required through this link.
Typographic Surprises! online event
The latest online event in the Typographic Surprises! series takes place via Zoom on 17 February 2022 at 6.30. Tim Pye will speak about ‘Printing Remnants in the National Trust’ and Edward Potten will speak about ‘Dating the Rylands Apocalypse Woodblock’. Joining is free, but booking is required. More details and a link to booking […]
Seminar on printed illustrations
The next HoPIN webinar will be held on Thursday, 20 January 2002, 5–6.30pm (GMT) on Zoom. The themes is ‘Contrasts in Print’ and the speakers are Sue May and Johanna Holmes. No charge to attend but booking is essential.
Online presentation on printing
The Centre for Printing History and Culture is holding their second 20 x 20 Night on Thursday 17 June at 17:30. Tickets are free but booking is necessary, and you can register through their website.
Lecture on Jan Tschichold and typography
On Thursday 29 April at 7pm, Paul Stirton will give a talk via zoom on Jan Tschichold and the new typography. For more details and information about how to book see the St Bride’s website.
Online event on printing
History of the Printed Image Network is holding an online webinar on 22 March 2021 from 5–6.30pm on The art of industrial publishing, looking at industrial publishing and how business has used images for the furtherance of trade. The event is free but you must register: for more details see the Centre for Printing History […]
Typographic Surprises!
The first event in this series organised by the Printing Historical Society will take place on Friday 26 February at 6 pm and is free of charge. Speakers are Dr Alexandra Franklin discussing 3‑D printing, Patrick Goossens on punch-cutting and type production, and Martin Killeen on early illustrated books. For more details and how to […]
Bookbinding showcase
You can join the National Library of Scotland online for a virtual showcase of the winning entries for the Elizabeth Soutar Bookbinding Competition 2020, which had the 1980s as its theme. You will be able toview the winning designs, and to hear from the bookbinders about their responses to the competition brief and their creative […]
St Brides: online event
On Wednesday 10 February at 7pm, Agyei Archer will give a talk via zoom entitled Do it like you do it , exploring the value of vernacular design in the English-speaking Caribbean. For more details and information about how to book see the St Bride’s website.