Relief printmaking course at Edinburgh Printmakers

Edin­burgh Print­mak­ers are run­ning cours­es on relief print-mak­ing from 10 Novem­ber, tak­ing place over a series of six weeks. For more details and infor­ma­tion on how to book, see the EP website.

Typographic Surprise event in October

On Thurs­day 20 Octo­ber 2022, the Trust’s Sec­re­tary, Helen Williams, is giv­ing an online talk on Edin­burgh in Print in the Typo­graph­ic Sur­pris­es! series organ­ised by the Print­ing His­tor­i­cal Soci­ety. This event is free and online but book­ing is required through this link.

Breaking the news exhibition

A pop-up dis­play based on the British Library’s Break­ing the News exhi­bi­tion is on view at Edin­burgh’s Cen­tral Library. The dis­plays draw upon each library’s indi­vid­ual col­lec­tion and region­al con­nec­tions to cel­e­brate the val­ue of region­al news in com­mu­ni­ties across the UK. It is on dis­play 4 July — 4 August 2022. Break­ing the News […]

Edinburgh Printmakers open day

Edin­burgh Print­mak­ers is par­tic­i­pat­ing in Scot­land’s Work­shops Week with an Open Day on Sat­ur­day 9th April from 11am-4pm. Activ­i­ties will include print­mak­ing work­shops, talks and print­mak­ing demon­stra­tions. All events and talks will be book­able in advance from Wednes­day 30 March. For more details see the Edin­burgh Print­mak­ers’ website.