Edinburgh Printmakers Family Print Club session on letterpress

The Edinburgh Printmakers Family Print Club session on 25 June is on letterpress printing and simple bookmaking. For more details and how to book, see the Edinburgh Printmakers website.

Wood engraving course at Glasgow Print Studio

Glasgow Print Studio is running a one-day taster course on wood engraving, suitable for beginners, at the end of March 2023. For more details and how to book see the Studio’s website.

Stone lithography weekend in Edinburgh

Edinburgh Printmakers are running a weekend course in stone lithography at the beginning of March. For more details and how to book see the Edinburgh Printmakers website.

Wood engraving taster day at St Brides

St Brides Foundation in London are running a taster course, suitable for absolute beginners, on the relief printing technique of wood engraving on Tuesday 27 February 2023 from 11am- 17pm. For more details and how to book, see the St Brides website.

Stone lithography course

Edinburgh Printmakers are running an evening course in stone lithography from the end of February 2023. For more details and how to book see the Edinburgh Printmakers website.

Etching courses at Edinburgh Printmakers

Edinburgh Printmakers are running weekend courses on etching techniques at the beginning of February and the beginning of March. For more details and how to book, see their website.

Etching courses at Glasgow Print Studio

Glasgow Print Studio is running evening and weekend courses on etching, suitable for beginners and also as a refresher course, starting in January 2023. For more details and how to book see the Studio’s website.

Relief printmaking course at Edinburgh Printmakers

Edinburgh Printmakers are running courses on relief print-making from 10 November, taking place over a series of six weeks. For more details and information on how to book, see the EP website.

February course at St Brides

St Bride’s Foundation are running a one day courses on using an Adana platen press, including hand typesetting and printing, as well as practical points regarding maintenance of the press, workshop management and what to look out for when purchasing equipment. It is running on 23 February. More details of the course and how to […]