Bibliography: U to Z

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Uni­ver­si­ty of Glas­gow Press. Spec­i­mens of types, & inven­to­ry of print­ing mate­ri­als, belong­ing to the Uni­ver­si­ty Print­ing Office of Glas­gow […] now offered for sale by pri­vate bar­gain. [n.p.]: [sn], [nd]

Uni­ver­si­ty of Glas­gow, Uni­ver­si­ty Press. Spec­i­mens of types used for the print­ing of books at the Uni­ver­si­ty Press, Glas­gow. Glas­gow: Robert Macle­hose, 1901

Uni­ver­si­ty of St Andrews Library. St Andrews Uni­ver­si­ty Library: print­ing and illus­tra­tion exhi­bi­tion. St Andrews: [The Uni­ver­si­ty], 1975

Urquhart, James. A local index of the Dum­fries and Gal­loway Stan­dard and Adver­tis­er and its pre­de­ces­sors over 200 years. Dum­fries: James Urquhart, 1980–1984



Valen­tine, J. Har­ben. His­to­ry of Valen­tines of Dundee: an unfin­ished and unpub­lished work cov­er­ing the his­to­ry of the busi­ness up to 1918;  intr David H.J. Schenck. [Red­hill, Sur­rey: pri­vate­ly print­ed by D.H.J. Schenck, 1999]



W & A K John­ston. One hun­dred years of map-mak­ing — the sto­ry of W & A K John­ston. Edin­burgh: W & A K John­ston, [1925]

W & R Cham­bers. Rules and reg­u­la­tions of W & R Cham­ber­s’s print­ing-office. Edin­burgh: W & R Cham­bers, 1851

W H Lizars, engraver and cop­per-plate print­er, 3 St James Square, Edin­burgh. Exhi­bi­tion mount­ed for the Anti­quar­i­an Book­sellers’ Asso­ci­a­tion. Edin­burgh: Anti­quar­i­an Book­sellers’ Asso­ci­a­tion, 1989

Wad­dies of Edin­burgh. [Brochure with adver­tis­ing]. Edin­burgh: Wad­die & Co Ltd, [no date]

Wat­son, James. His­to­ry of the art of print­ing. Edin­burgh: Wat­son, 1713

Wat­son, James. His­to­ry of the art of print­ing, 1716. [Fac­sim­i­le]. Lon­don: [no pub­lish­er], 1963

Wat­son, James. James Wat­son’s pref­ace to the ‘His­to­ry of print­ing’ 1713. ed James Munro. Greenock: Print­ed by Thomas Rae, 1963

Wat­son, John, & Co. The his­to­ry of John Wat­son & Co Ltd, print­ers of dis­tinc­tion: from the nine­teenth cen­tu­ry to the present day. [Glas­gow]: JW Design: [2016]

Wat­son, Nigel. Seal of suc­cess: the sto­ry of a Scot­tish fam­i­ly busi­ness — George Water­ston & Sons Ltd 1752–2002. Edin­burgh: George Water­ston & Sons, 2002

Wayz­goose: print­ers’ out­ings and clubs in Scot­land. Edin­burgh: SAPPHIRE, [2007?]

White, Camp­bell. ‘A cen­tu­ry of book­bind­ing in Edin­burgh’ Jour­nal of the Roy­al Scot­tish Soci­ety of Arts [Lec­ture deliv­ered to Roy­al Scot­tish Soci­ety of Arts, 12 April 1941]

William Black­wood & Sons. Spec­i­mens of book and job­bing founts, orna­ments, bor­ders, &c. Edin­burgh: [The Firm], 1896

William Miller & Co. Spec­i­men of print­ing types. Glas­gow: William Miller & Co, 1815

Williamson, Arthur ‘Scot­land : inter­na­tion­al pol­i­tics, inter­na­tion­al press’ in Agent of change: print cul­ture stud­ies after Eliz­a­beth L Eisen­stein, ed Sab­ri­na Alcorn Baron, Eric N. Lindquist, and Eleanor F. Shevlin. Amherst : Uni­ver­si­ty of Mass­a­chu­setts Press; Wash­ing­ton, DC: Cen­ter for the Book, Library of Con­gress, c2007

Wills of the print­ers and book­sellers in Edin­burgh, 1627–1687’  Ban­natyne Club Mis­cel­lany no 2 (1836)

Wil­son, Sir Daniel. William Nel­son: a mem­oir. Edin­burgh: Print­ed for pri­vate cir­cu­la­tion [by] T. Nel­son, 1889

Wolpe, Berthold ‘Cale­don­ian mis­cel­lany.’ Trans­ac­tions of the Edin­burgh Bib­li­o­graph­i­cal Soci­ety, vol.VI/2 (1993)





Your direc­to­ry of Scot­tish print­ing facil­i­ties. Edin­burgh: Soci­ety of Mas­ter Print­ers of Scot­land, var­i­ous eds 198?-