Bibliography: D to F

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D C Thomson Ltd. The Thomson publications. Dundee: D C Thomson, [ca.19201930] A memento of a visit to the Thompson printing works, Dundee, Glasgow, Manchester.

David J Clark Ltd. Type specimen book. Glasgow: David J. Clark Limited, 198?

Dean, Brenda. Scottish paper, printing and publishing industry. Scottish Trade Union Review, no.47 (July-Sept. 1990)

Dempster, John A H. The T. & T. Clark story: a Victorian publisher and the new theology ; with an epilogue covering the twentieth-century history of the firm. Edinburgh: Pentland Press, 1992

Dempster, John A H. Thomas Nelson and Sons in the late nineteenth century: a study in motivation. Publishing history 1314 (1983)

Dickson, Robert. Annals of Scottish printing: from the introduction of the art in 1507 to the beginning of the seventeenth century. Cambridge: Macmillan & Bowes, 1890

Dickson, Robert. Introduction of the art of printing into Scotland. Aberdeen: Edmond & Spark, 1885

Dickson, Robert. Who was Scotland’s first printer?: ane compendious and reve tractate, in commemoration of Androw Myllar. London: Trubner, 1881

Dobson, William T. History of the Bassendyne Bible: the first printed in Scotland, with notices of the early printers of Edinburgh. Edinburgh: William Blackwood, 1887

Dobson, William T. The introduction of printing into Edinburgh. Edinburgh: Ballantyne, Hanson & Co, 1880

Documents relative to the printers of some early Scottish newspapers 16861705 Maitland Club Miscellany vol 2, 1840

Donaldson, Robert. Fragments of the Aberdeen breviary: further consideration. Transactions of the Edinburgh Bibliograpical Society, vol.VI, pt.4, 1998

Donaldson, Robert. William Ged and the invention of stereotype: a second postscript. Reprinted from the transactions of the Bibliographical Society, The Library, volume XXII/4, December 1967

Doughty, D W. The Tullis Press, Cupar, 18031849. Dundee, Abertay Historical Society, 1967. (Abertay Historical Soc publication no 12)

Duff, Edward Gordon. The early career of Edward Raban, afterwards first printer at Aberdeen. The Library, series 4, vol II/4 1922.  Read before the Bibliographical Society, 1921

Duncan, William James. Notices and documents illustrative of the literary history of Glasgow, during the greater part of the last century. Glasgow: [Maitland Club], 1831. (Publications of the Maitland Club; no. 14)

Duncan Campbell & Son, Glasgow. Specimens of printing type etc. Glasgow: Duncan Campbell & Son, 1899

Dunstan, Vivienne S. Two booksellers in south-west Scotland in the late eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries: the records of Ebenezer Wilson and James Meuros Journal of the Edinburgh Bibliographical Society, vol.11, 2016



Edinburgh History of the Book in Scotland. Volume 1: Medieval to 1707. Ed A J Mann and Sally Mapstone. Edinburgh, Edinburgh University Press, 2014

Edinburgh History of the Book in Scotland, Volume 2: Enlightenment and Expansion 17071800. Ed Stephen W Brown and Warren MacDougall. Edinburgh, Edinburgh University Press, 2011

Edinburgh History of the Book in Scotland, Volume 3: Ambition and Industry 18001880. Ed Bill Bell. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, 2007

Edinburgh History of the Book in Scotland, Volume 4: Professionalism and diversity 18802000. Ed David Finkelstein and Alistair McCleery. Edinburgh, Edinburgh University Press, 2007

Edinburgh Master Printers Association and the Case and Machine Branches of the Scottish Typographical Association. Rules affecting working conditions. Edinburgh: Edinburgh Master Printers Society, 1914

Edinburgh Typographical Society. Scales of prices agreed to by the Employers and Journeymen printers of Edinburgh. Edinburgh: Edinburgh Typographical Society, [various dates]

Edinburgh Typographical Society. Laws & regulations of the Edinburgh Typographical Society, also copies of the Interlocutors of the Court of Session, and scale of press prices. To which is appended, a Memorial to the master Printers on the apprentice question with answers thereto. Edinburgh: printed for the Edinburgh Typographical Society by W J MacDonald, 1844

Edinburgh University Press. Edinburgh and its College printers: specially printed for the visit of the Wynkyn de Worde Society, Edinburgh, 4 to 1973. Edinburgh: [s.n.], 1973

Edinburgh University Press. Edinburgh University Press, 19481978: a handlist. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, 1978

Edinburgh University Press. Printing types in use at the Edinburgh University Press. Edinburgh: T. & A. Constable, 1907

Edmond, John Philip. Aberdeen printers: Edward Raban to James Nicol, 16201736. Aberdeen: J & JP Edmond & Spark, 1886 [and other editions]

Edmond, John Philip. Handlist of books printed at Aberdeen or by Aberdeen printers, 16201736. Aberdeen: The Author, 1884

Elfick, Ian & Harris, Paul. T N Foulis: the history and bibliography of an Edinburgh publishing house. New Castle, D: Oak Knoll Press, 1998

Elliott, R C. Early Scottish printers: a brief history. London: Lanston Monotype Corporation 1927. The Monotype recorder no.218, vol.26 (March-April 1927)

Evans, D Wyn. James Watson of Edinburgh, printer and publisher: a bibliography of works from his press, 16951722, with an account of his life and career. Edinburgh: Edinburgh Bibliographical Society, 1982

Excursion to Edinburgh on the occasion of the Federation’s annual meeting and cost congress held in Glasgow [visit of the Federation of Master Printers, 8th June 1922]. [Edinburgh: BFMP, 1922]

An exhibition of books to honour Archie Turnbull, secretary to Edinburgh University Press since 9153 on the occasion of his retirement and George Mackie, designer to the Press since 1955, in the University Library, George Square, from 6 July 1987. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, 1987



Factfile Scotland / the Printer’s Devil. Additional research by Brian Glancey. Glasgow: HarperCollins, 2000

Fairfull-Smith, George. The Foulis Press and the Foulis Academy: Glasgow’s eighteenth-century school of art and design. Glasgow: Glasgow Art Index in association with the Friends of Glasgow University Library, 2001

Fairfull-Smith, George. Robert & Andrew Foulis, the Foulis press, and their legacy. [Glasgow]: Special Collections, Glasgow University Library, 2001

Fairley, John A. Agnes Campbell, Lady Roseburn: a contribution to the history of the printing in Scotland. Aberdeen: D Wylie & Son, 1925

Falkirk Herald. Eighty Years 18451845 The Falkirk Herald. Falkirk: F Johnston & Co, [1925]

A famous printery: R & R Clark Ltd. British Printer IX (1896)

Ferguson, Joan P S. Directory of Scottish Newspapers. Edinburgh: National Library of Scotland, 1954

Ferguson, John. The brothers Foulis and early Glasgow printing. London: Dryden Press, 1889. (Reprinted from The Library March 1889)

A few of the many erratas, of that impression of the Bible, printed by the relict and heir of Andrew Anderson in 12° at Edinburgh, 1686.  And by a false title page, they being ashamed to own its uncorrectness, said to be printed by the assignes of John Bill deceased, and by Henry Hills, and Thomas Newcomb, printers to the Kings most excellent Majesty, at London, 1685. [Edinburgh]: Published anonymously, [1686]

A few samples of printing specialities from the Arbroath Herald Office. Brodie & Salmond, Letterpress & Lithographic Printers, Bookbinders & Publishers, Brothock Bridge, Arbroath. Arbroath: Arbroath Herald, 1894

Finkelstein, David. The house of Blackwood: author-publisher relations in the Victorian era. University Park, PA: Pennsylvania State University Press, 2002

Finkelstein, David.  Print culture and the Blackwood tradition, 18051930. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, c.2006

Finkelstein, David. Jack’s as good as his master: Scots and print culture in New Zealand, 18601900. Book History, 6 (2003)

Finkelstein, David. Moveable types: creative printers of the Victorian world. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2018

Finkelstein, David, Sarah Bromage and Alistair McCleery. Scottish Archive of Print and Publishing History Records Learned Publishing, v.15/3 (July 2002)

Finlayson, C.P. Stationers and bookbinders in the records of the hammermen of St. Andrews Bibliotheck 3/1 (1960)

500 years of printing in Scotland. Edinburgh: Scottish Printing Archival Trust, 2008

Forbes, Duncan. A letter from a Gentleman in Edinburgh, to a member of Parliament.  Edinburgh, 1712. [Charging Mrs. Anderson with being unfit to hold the office of King’s Printer for Scotland]

Forbes, Graeme S. The Edward Clark Collection at Napier University Library, Edinburgh. in The human face of the book trade: print culture and its creators, ed Peter Isaac and Barry McKay. Winchester: St Paul’s Bibliographies; New Castle, DE: Oak Knoll, 1999

Foulis, Douglas. Hunter & Foulis, publishers bookbinders Edinburgh: the first one hundred and fifty years : a personal journey. Haddington: [Hunter & Foulis], 2007?

Foulis, Robert. Some letters of Robert Foulis. [Comp] David Murray. Glasgow: J. Maclehose and sons, 1917. Repr fr Scottish historical review January/April 1917

Fox, Adam. The press and the people : cheap print and society in Scotland, 15001785. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2020

Foxon, David. Edinburgh printer’s ornaments. Edinburgh: [no publisher, 199?]

Fraser, William. Hints on the unlimited diffusion of useful knowledge, at no expense to the reader: through the medium of the mercantile and trading classes. Practically illustrated by a history of printing, specimen of types and guide to authors in correcting the press. Edinburgh: [no publisher], 1834

Fyfe, Aileen. Information revolution: William Chambers, the publishing pioneer Endeavour 30/4 (2006)

Fyfe, Aileen. Steam and the landscape of knowledge: W & R Chambers in the late 1830s-1850s in Geographies of the book, ed Miles Ogborn and Charles W J Withers. Farnham: Ashgate, 2010

Fyfe, Aileen. Steam-powered knowledge: William Chambers and the business of publishing, 18201860. Chicago, IL: University of Chicago Press, 2012