Bibliography: A to C

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A B Flem­ing & Co. A B Flem­ing & Co, print­ing ink man­u­fac­tur­ers, Lei­th and Granton, near Edin­burgh, Scot­land. Edin­burgh: Banks & Co, [1873?]

Abbott, Don­ald M, ‘Edin­burgh Uni­ver­si­ty and its print­ers’ Uni­ver­si­ty of Edin­burgh jour­nal, vol XLIV/1 (June 2009)

Abbott, Don­ald M ‘Series of the gen­er­a­tions: geneal­o­gy and print­ing’ Scot­tish geneal­o­gist, vol LVI/2 (June 2009)

Aberdeen print­ing press­es on’ Leop­ard 1976

Aberdeen Uni­ver­si­ty Press. Announce­ment of the amal­ga­ma­tion of the Rose­mount Press, Ltd., and the Aberdeen Uni­ver­si­ty Press, Ltd. [No place: no pub­lish­er,] 1932?

Aberdeen Uni­ver­si­ty Press. BPPC-AUP: type­set­ters, print­ers, binders [Pro­mo­tion­al brochure.] Aberdeen: BPCC-AUP Aberdeen Ltd, 1990?

Aberdeen Uni­ver­si­ty Press. The com­plete works … from design to deliv­ery. Aberdeen: Aberdeen Uni­ver­si­ty Press, 1973

Aberdeen Uni­ver­si­ty Press. Mem­o­ran­dum and arti­cles of asso­ci­a­tion. Aberdeen: Aberdeen Uni­ver­si­ty Press, 1900

Aberdeen Uni­ver­si­ty Press. Prospec­tus of the Aberdeen Uni­ver­si­ty Press, Lim­it­ed. Aberdeen: Aberdeen Uni­ver­si­ty Press, 1900?

Adam & Charles Black. [Print­er’s reg­is­ter of clichés]. [Edin­burgh: Adam & Charles Black, 1855?-1898]

Agree­ments between the Soci­ety of Mas­ter Print­ers of Scot­land and the Scot­tish Dis­trict Coun­cil of the Amal­ga­mat­ed Soci­ety of Lith­o­graph­ic Print­ers. Edin­burgh: Soci­ety of Mas­ter Print­ers of Scot­land, [var­i­ous dates]

Aird, Andrew. Let­ter­press print­ing in Glas­gow in the last fifty years. Glas­gow: Aird & Coghill, 1882

Aird, Andrew. Rem­i­nis­cences of edi­tors, reporters, and print­ers, dur­ing the last six­ty years. Appen­dix: News­pa­pers … print­ed and pub­lished in Glas­gow from 1830 till 1890. Glas­gow: Aird & Coghill, 1890? [Cov­er title: Print­ers and Print­ing in Glas­gow 1830–1890]

Aird & Coghill Ltd. Spec­i­mens of music engrav­ing and print­ing [with fac­sim­i­les]. Glas­gow: [no pub­lish­er; 1932]

Ald­is, Har­ry Gid­ney, Robert Bowes ]and oth­ers], eds. A dic­tio­nary of print­ers and book­sellers in Eng­land, Scot­land and Ire­land and of for­eign print­ers of Eng­lish books: 1557–1640. Lon­don: Bib­li­o­graph­i­cal Soci­ety, 1910

Ald­is, Har­ry Gid­ney. A list of books print­ed in Scot­land before 1700: includ­ing those print­ed furth of the realm for Scot­tish book­sellers: with brief notes on the print­ers and sta­tion­ers. [Edin­burgh]: Print­ed for the Edin­burgh Bib­li­o­graph­i­cal Soci­ety, 1904 [A ‘pre­lim­i­nary hand-list’. Pub­li­ca­tions of the Edin­burgh Bib­li­o­graph­i­cal Soci­ety; 7]

Alexan­der Macle­hose & Co. A list of books trans­ferred from Alexan­der Macle­hose to Adam & Charles Black, June 1938. Lon­don: [Alexan­der Macle­hose & Co], 1938

Alexan­der Ritchie. [Guard book with all job­bing print­ing and sta­tionery man­u­fac­tured by Alexan­der Ritchie, print­ers, Edin­burgh from August 1938 to August 1939]. Edin­burgh: The Firm, [1990]

Alexan­der Wil­son & Sons, Glas­gow. Cat­a­logue of books, in sheets, and bound, the remain­ing stock of Alexan­der Wil­son, to be exposed to sale in the Ton­tine Inn, on Tues­day the 30th of Decem­ber, 1817. Glas­gow: Print­ed by W. Lang, 1817

Alexan­der Wil­son & Sons, Glas­gow. News­pa­per founts. [No place: no pub­lish­er,] 1822

Alexan­der Wil­son & Sons, Glas­gow. Selec­tion from the spec­i­men book of Alexan­der Wil­son & Sons, Glas­gow, let­ter foundry. Lon­don: Alex. Wil­son & Sons, 1834

Alexan­der Wil­son & Sons, Glas­gow. Spec­i­men of mod­ern print­ing types cast at the let­ter foundry of Alex. Wil­son & Sons, Glas­gow. [Glas­gow: no pub­lish­er, 1789]

Alexan­der Wil­son & Sons, Glas­gow. Spec­i­men of mod­ern print­ing types, cast at the let­ter foundry of Alex.Wilson and Sons, Glas­gow.    Glas­gow: [no pub­lish­er], 1833

Alexan­der Wil­son & Sons, Glas­gow. A spec­i­men of mod­ern cut print­ing types. Glas­gow: [no pub­lish­er], 1815

Alexan­der Wil­son & Sons, Glas­gow. Sup­ple­ment to the spec­i­men book of Alex. Wil­son & Sons, Glas­gow Let­ter Foundry, Great New-Street, Gough Square, Lon­don. Lon­don: [no pub­lish­er], [1834]

Alexan­der Wil­son & Sons, St. Andrews. A spec­i­men of print­ing types. Glas­gow: [no pub­lish­er], 1783

Alexan­der Wil­son & Sons, St. Andrews. A spec­i­men of some of the print­ing types cast in the foundery of Doc­tor A. Wil­son and Sons. Glas­gow: Col­lege of Glas­gow, 1772

Allen, J Har­ry. Allen the lith­o­g­ra­phers. Kirk­caldy: Inglis Allen Ltd.

Allen Lith­o­graph­ic Co Ltd. 50 years of ser­vice: a short his­to­ry of the com­pa­ny and review of the organ­i­sa­tion. Kirk­caldy: The Allen Lith­o­graph­ic Com­pa­ny Lim­it­ed, 1950

Allen Lith­o­graph­ic Co Ltd. Our Progress in Print — Allen Lith­o­graph­ic Com­pa­ny. Kirk­caldy: The Allen Lith­o­graph­ic Com­pa­ny Lim­it­ed, 1959

Ames, Joseph. Typo­graph­i­cal antiq­ui­ties, or, The his­to­ry of print­ing in Eng­land, Scot­land, and Ire­land : con­tain­ing mem­oirs of our ancient print­ers, and a reg­is­ter of the books print­ed by them / begun by the late Joseph Ames ; con­sid­er­ably aug­ment­ed by William Her­bert ; and now great­ly enlarged, with copi­ous notes, and illus­trat­ed with appro­pri­ate engrav­ings com­pre­hend­ing the his­to­ry of Eng­lish lit­er­a­ture and a view of the progress of the art of engrav­ing in Great Britain by Thomas Frog­nall Dib­din. Lon­don : William Miller, 1810-

Axton, Marie ‘Ane satyre of the thrie estaitis’: the first edi­tion and its recep­tion.’ in A day estivall, ed Alisoun Gard­ner-Med­win and Janet Hadley Williams. Aberdeen: Aberdeen Uni­ver­si­ty Press, 1990


Bail­lie, Shau­na. Loca­tion­al adjust­ments in the Edin­burgh print­ing indus­try. [Uni­ver­si­ty of Edin­burgh], The­sis MA Geog­ra­phy, Sep­tem­ber 1982

Bal­lan­tyne, James. Ret­ro­spect of the pub­lic events of the year, 1813.  Writ­ten for the Kel­so Mail and pub­lished in that paper on 6th Jan­u­ary, 1814. Edin­burgh: [no pub­lish­er, 1814]

Bal­lan­tyne & Co. The his­to­ry of the Bal­lan­tyne Press and its con­nec­tion with Sir Wal­ter Scott, bart. Edin­burgh: [Print­ed at the Bal­lan­tyne Press], 1871

Bal­lan­tyne & Co. Reply to Mr Lock­hart’s pam­phlet, enti­tled ‘The Bal­lan­tyne-hum­bug han­dled’. Lon­don: Long­man, Orme Brown, Green & Long­mans; Edin­burgh: Adam & Charles Black, 1839

Bal­lan­tyne Press. The Bal­lan­tyne Press and its founders. Edin­burgh: Bal­lan­tyne Han­son & Co, 1909

Bal­lan­tyne Press. The style of the House for the guid­ance of com­pos­i­tors and read­ers. Edin­burgh: Bal­lan­tyne Press, 1897

Bartlett, J N. David­son’s of Mugiemoss: a his­to­ry of C. David­son and Sons, mak­ers of wrap­ping papers, paper bags and boards. Lon­don: Athlone Press, 1996

Bax­ter, James H. ‘Books pub­lished abroad by Scots­men before 1700.’ Records of the Glas­gow Bib­li­o­graph­i­cal Soci­ety, vol 11, 1933

Beat­tie, William. The Chep­man and Myl­lar prints: nine tracts from the first Scot­tish press, Edin­burgh 1508, fol­lowed by the oth­er two tracts in the same vol­ume in the Nation­al Library of Scot­land. [Fac­sim­i­le with a bib­li­o­graph­i­cal note.] [Edin­burgh]: Edin­burgh Bib­li­o­graph­i­cal Soci­ety, 1950

Beat­tie, William. A hand-list of works from the press of John Wre­it­toun at Edin­burgh, 1624‑c.1639. Edin­burgh: R. & R. Clark Ltd., 1942. ‘Reprint­ed from the Trans­ac­tions of the Edin­burgh Bib­li­o­graph­i­cal Soci­ety, vol 2, pt 2, 1941’

Beat­tie, William. ‘An out­line of Scot­tish print­ing’ Pro­ceed­ings, papers and sum­maries of dis­cus­sions at the Edin­burgh con­fer­ence […]. Lon­don: Library Asso­ci­a­tion, 1951

Beat­tie, William. The Scot­tish tra­di­tion in print­ed books. Edin­burgh: T. Nel­son & Sons Ltd for the Saltire Soci­ety, 1949

Beat­tie, William. Tra­di­tion and inno­va­tion in Scot­tish book-pro­duc­tion. Edin­burgh: Heri­ot-Watt Col­lege, [1945] [Reprint­ed from The Scots­man of 5th, Novem­ber, 1945]

Bea­van, Iain ‘Aberdeen Uni­ver­si­ty Press and the Scot­tish Typo­graph­i­cal Asso­ci­a­tion: an uneasy ear­ly rela­tion­ship’  in Images & texts: their pro­duc­tion and dis­tri­b­u­tion in the 18th and 19th cen­turies ed Peter Isaac and Bar­ry McK­ay. Win­ches­ter: St Paul’s Bib­li­ogra­phies, 1997

Bea­van, Iain. ‘Book trade in Aberdeen and area 1700–1830’ Stud­ies in the provin­cial book trade of Eng­land, Scot­land and Wales before 1900: papers pre­sent­ed to the British Book Trade Index, sev­enth annu­al sem­i­nar, Aberys­t­wyth, 1989, edit­ed by David A. Stok­er. Aberys­t­wyth: Depart­ment of Library and Infor­ma­tion Stud­ies, Uni­ver­si­ty Col­lege of Wales, 1990

Bea­van, Iain. ‘For­ev­er provin­cial? : a north British lament’ in Peri­od­i­cals and pub­lish­ers: the news­aper and jour­nal trade, 1750–1914, ed John Hinks, Cather­ine Arm­strong and Matthew Day. New Cas­tle, DE: Oak Knoll; Lon­don: British Library, 2009

Bea­van, Iain ’ John Mur­ray, Richard Grif­fin and Oliv­er & Boyd: some sup­ple­men­tary obser­va­tions’ in Print­ing places: loca­tions of book pro­duc­tion & dis­tri­b­u­tion since 1500, ed John Hinks and Cather­ine Arm­strong. New­cas­tle, DE; Lon­don: Oak Knoll press; British Library, 2005

Bea­van, Iain. ‘Print­ing for the British pub­lish­ing indus­try: the rise and fall of Aberdeen Uni­ver­si­ty press’. Jour­nal of the Edin­burgh Bib­li­o­graph­i­cal Soci­ety, 1, 2006

Bea­van, Iain ‘Reports and sur­veys of archives in north­ern Scot­land. Raban and his suc­ces­sors: local print­ing (1622–1800) held in Aberdeen Uni­ver­si­ty Library.’ North­ern Scot­land, v.18, 1998

Bell & Bain. A col­lec­tion of type­faces and select­ed spec­i­men pages. Glas­gow: Bell & Bain, 1965

Bell, Bill. ‘Pio­neers of lit­er­a­ture: com­mer­cial trav­ellers in the ear­ly 19th cen­tu­ry’ in The reach of print ed Peter C.G. Isaac and Bar­ry McK­ay. Win­ches­ter: St Paul’s Bib­li­ogra­phies, 1998

Berry, W Turn­er and A F John­son. Cat­a­logue of spec­i­mens of print­ing types by Eng­lish and Scot­tish print­ers and founders 1665–1830.     Oxford: Oxford Uni­ver­si­ty Press, 1935 / New York; Lon­don: Gar­land, 1983. (Facs of 1935 ed. intro­duc­tion by James Mosley)

Bertram, James Glass. Some mem­o­ries of books, authors & events. West­min­ster: A Con­sta­ble & Co, 1893

Bib­lio­theck: a jour­nal of bib­li­o­graph­i­cal notes and queries main­ly of Scot­tish inter­est. 1956-

Black, Fiona. ‘Book dis­tri­b­u­tion to the Scot­tish & Cana­di­an provinces’ in The reach of print ed Peter C.G. Isaac and Bar­ry McK­ay. Win­ches­ter: St Paul’s Bib­li­ogra­phies, 1998

Black­ie & Son. Messrs Black­ie & Son have plea­sure in announc­ing that they have been award­ed at the Paris Exhi­bi­tion of 1878 two medals for excel­lence in book­bind­ing and print­ing. [Sin­gle sheet]. Glas­gow: Black­ie & Son, 1878

Black­ie & Son. New and splen­did works pub­lished by Black­ie & Son, Queen Street Glas­gow, South Col­lege Street, Edin­burgh, and War­wick Square, Lon­don. Glas­gow: W G Black­ie, 1839

Black­ie, Agnes. A C Black­ie & Son 1809–1959: a short his­to­ry of the firm. Lon­don; Glas­gow: Black­ie & Son Ltd, [?1959]

Black­ie, John. A memo­r­i­al of the din­ner to John Black­ie, Senior, Esq, giv­en in the Black Bull Hotel, Glas­gow, Tues­day, 29th Sept, 1840, on occa­sion of his being pre­sent­ed with his engraved por­trait, by the agents, clerks, and oth­ers, in the employ­ment of Messrs Black­ie & Son. Glas­gow: [no pub­lish­er], 1840?

Black­ie Group. [Mis­cel­la­neous uni­ver­si­ty & col­lege book cat­a­logues]. Glas­gow: The Group, 1978

Black­wood, I C. The ear­ly house of Black­wood. Edin­burgh, 1900

Blair, Kirstie. The poets of the ‘Peo­ple’s Jour­nal’: news­pa­per poet­ry in Vic­to­ri­an Scot­land. Glas­gow: Asso­ci­a­tion for Scot­tish Lit­er­ary Stud­ies, 2016.

Book his­to­ry. 1998-

The book­binder’s com­plete instruc­tor in all the branch­es of bind­ing … by a prac­ti­cal book­binder. [Ded­i­ca­tion signed G. Mar­tin.]. Peter­head: [no pub­lish­er], 1823

Boyter, Ian. Robert Smail’s print­ing works. Edin­burgh: Nation­al Trust for Scot­land, 1990; revised ed 2016

Bridges, Jeff. Let­ter­press print­ing in Perth: a lec­ture. Perth, 189[?]

The British and colo­nial print­er and sta­tion­er. Lon­don: W J Ston­hill, 1878–1953

British book­mak­er. 1890–1894

British Fed­er­a­tion of Mas­ter Print­ers. Thir­ty-eighth annu­al con­gress [of] the British Fed­er­a­tion of Mas­ter Print­ers, Aberdeen, 1938: pro­gramme and hand­book. Aberdeen: British Fed­er­a­tion of Mas­ter Print­ers, 1938

British lith­o­g­ra­ph­er. 1891–1895

British print­er. Lon­don, 1888-

British Typographia, Edin­burgh Branch. Syl­labus, Ses­sion 1891–1892. Edin­burgh: British Typographia, [1891]

British Typographia, Glas­gow Branch. The present and future tri­umphs of the press: a lec­ture deliv­ered by Andrew Aird at the request of the Glas­gow Branch of the British Typographia on Thurs­day, Octo­ber 20, 1892. [Glas­gow: British Typographia, 1892]

Bro­mage, Sarah, Alis­tair McCleery and David Finkel­stein. ‘The Wayz­goose: print­ers’ out­ings in Scot­land. “It real­ly was a red let­ter day” ’ His­to­ry Scot­land, 8/4 July/August 2008

Bro­mage, Sarah and Josephine Antho­ny. ‘Glas­gow Print­ing Trades Ama­teur Row­ing Club’ Review of Scot­tish Cul­ture, v22, 2010

Brown, Stephen W. ‘James Tytler’s mis­ad­ven­tures in the late eigh­teenth-cen­tu­ry Edin­burgh book trade.’ in Print­ing places: loca­tions of book pro­duc­tion and dis­tri­b­u­tion since 1500, ed John Hinks and Cather­ine Arm­strong. New Cas­tle, DE: Oak Knoll; Lon­don: British Library, 2005

Brown, Stephen W. ‘The mar­ket for mur­der and Edin­burgh’s eigh­teenth-cen­tu­ry book trade’ in Peri­od­i­cals and pub­lish­ers: the news­aper and jour­nal trade, 1750–1914, ed John Hinks, Cather­ine Arm­strong and Matthew Day. New Cas­tle, DE: Oak Knoll; Lon­don: British Library, 2009

Brown, Stephen W ‘Pirates, edi­tors, and read­ers : how dis­tri­b­u­tion rewrote William Smellie’s Phi­los­o­phy of nat­ur­al his­to­ry’; and ‘Singing by the book : eigh­teenth-cen­tu­ry Scot­tish song­books, freema­son­ry, and Burns’ in From com­pos­i­tors to col­le­cots: essays on book-trade his­to­ry, ed John Hinks and Matthew Day. New Cas­tle, DE: Oak Knoll Press; Lon­don: The British Library, 2012

Brown, Stephen W. ‘Print­ing for the peo­ple: two great Enlight­en­ment print­ers.’ Folio, no.6 (Spring 2003) [William Smellie, 1740–1795; James Tytler, 1745–1805]

Brown, Stephen W. William Smellie. [S.l.]: [s.n.], 1998

Brown, Stephen W. ‘William Smellie and the cul­ture of the Edin­burgh book trade, 1752–1795.’ in The cul­ture of the book in the Scot­tish Enlight­en­ment: an exhi­bi­tion with essays by Roger Emer­son … [et al]. Toron­to, c2000

Bry­den, D. J. ’ ”Mr Clerk the graver”: a bio­graph­i­cal study in the cul­tur­al infra­struc­ture of ear­ly mod­ern Scot­land’ Review of Scot­tish Cul­ture, v.11 (1998–1999)

Bryson, Robert and James Bryson. Infor­ma­tion anent His Majesty’s print­ers in Scot­land. [A peti­tion for the office of King’s print­ers in place of Robert Young.] Edin­burgh: [?], 1844

Bul­letin of the Print­ing His­tor­i­cal Soci­ety. 1980–1999

Bun­dock, Clement J. The sto­ry of the Nation­al Union of Print­ing, Book­bind­ing and Paper Work­ers. Oxford,: Oxford Uni­ver­si­ty Press, 1959

Bush­nell, George Her­bert. Cat­a­logue of the pro­duc­tions of the ear­ly press­es at St Andrews. St Andrews: W C Hen­der­son & Son, Uni­ver­si­ty Press, 1926

Bush­nell, George Her­bert. The life and work of Edward Raban: St Andrew’s most famous print­er. St Andrews, J & G Innes, 1928

Bush­nell, George Her­bert. ‘Scot­tish book­bind­ing and book­binders, 1450–1800’ The Book­man’s Jour­nals incor­po­rat­ing The Print Col­lec­tor (3rd series) 15/2 (1927)

Bush­nell, George Her­bert, (com­pil­er). Scot­tish engravers: a bio­graph­i­cal dic­tio­nary of Scot­tish engravers and of engravers who worked in Scot­land to the begin­ning of the nine­teenth cen­tu­ry. Lon­don: Oxford Uni­ver­si­ty Press, 1949

Bush­nell, George Her­bert. Scot­tish print­ers, book­sellers and books­binders 1726-1775. No place: Bib­li­o­graph­i­cal Soci­ety, 1932

Byrne, Stephen. The Glenif­fer Press: a bib­li­og­ra­phy. Sor­bie: Stephen Byrne at the Final Score Minia­ture Books and Music, 2009


Cairns, John W. ‘Three unno­ticed Scot­tish edi­tions of Pieter Bur­man’s Antiq­ui­tatum Roma­narum bre­vis descrip­tio’. Bib­lio­theck, v.22 (1997)

Cameron, Ewan A. ‘Jour­nal­ism in the late Vic­to­ri­an Scot­tish High­lands: John Mur­doch, Dun­can Camp­bell, and the “North­ern Chron­i­cle” ’ Vic­to­ri­an Peri­od­i­cals Review 40/4 Win­ter (2007)

Cameron, Ken­neth J. ‘Finance, pol­i­tics and edi­to­r­i­al inde­pen­dence in the ear­ly Vic­to­ri­an provin­cial press: the case of the Glas­gow Argus 1833–1847’. Pub­lish­ing His­to­ry 5 (1979)

Camp­bell, A J. Cupar, the years of con­tro­ver­sy : its news­pa­per press, 1822–1872. [Fife] : Fife Fam­i­ly His­to­ry Soci­ety, 2009

Camp­bell, A J. The Cupar press­es of: White­head & Burns, John Cun­ning­ham Orr, William Ritchie, W. Bayne, John Arnot. Buck­haven: A J Camp­bell, c1992

Camp­bell, A J. Ear­ly Kirk­caldy press­es — Crerar, Bir­rell, Craw­ford. Buck­haven: A J Camp­bell, c1992

Camp­bell, A J. The Fifeshire Jour­nal Press. Fife bib­li­og­ra­phy : the press­es of Fife; no. 3. [Buck­haven : A J Camp­bell], c1992

Camp­bell, A J. His­to­ry of Fifeshire Adver­tis­er.  Fife bib­li­og­ra­phy: the press­es of Fife; no. 7. [Buck­haven : The Author], c1992

Camp­bell, A J. The press of Alexan­der West­wood & Son, Cupar. Buck­haven: A J Camp­bell, c1992

Camp­bell, A J. The press of J & G Innes, Cupar. Buck­haven: A J Camp­bell, c1992

Camp­bell, A J. The press­es of Lev­en & the East of Fife: Robert Reid, Lev­en; Thomas Porter, Lev­en; The Lev­en Adver­tis­er Press; The Rus­sell Press of Anstruther; James Scott, Pit­ten­weem; Joseph Cook & Son, St Andrews; John Patrick, Lev­en & Kirk­caldy. [Buck­haven: The Author], c1992

Camp­bell, A. J. The Tullis Press : the press­es of Fife ; no. 1. [Buck­haven : The Author], c1992

Camp­bell, Alexan­der. Tri­al and self-defence of Alexan­der Camp­bell … before the Exche­quer Court, Edin­burgh, for print­ing and pub­lish­ing “The Trades­man”, con­trary to the infa­mous gag­ging act. Glas­gow: W W Miller, 1835

Carnegie, Andrew. William Cham­bers; an address deliv­ered at the cel­e­bra­tion of the jubilee of the Cham­bers Insti­tu­tion, Pee­bles, Octo­ber 19th, 1909. [Pee­bles?: no pub­lish­er, 1909]

Carnie, Robert H. ‘Perth book­sellers and book­binders in the records of the Wright call­ing : 1538–1864’  Bib­lio­theck 1/4 (1958)

Carnie, Robert H. Pub­lish­ing in Perth before 1807. [A list of sta­tion­ers, book­sellers, book­binders and print­ers 1591–1807]. Dundee: Aber­tay Soci­ety Pub­li­ca­tions no 6, 1960

Carnie, Robert H. ‘Schol­ar-print­ers of the Scot­tish Enlight­en­ment: 1740–1800’  in Aberdeen and the Enlight­en­ment: pro­ceed­ings of a con­fer­ence held at the Uni­ver­si­ty of Aberdeen, ed Jen­nifer J Carter and Joan H Pit­tock. Aberdeen: Aberdeen Uni­ver­si­ty Press, 1987

Carnie, Robert H. ‘Scot­tish print­ers and book­sellers 1668–1775: a sec­ond sup­ple­ment (I)’ Stud­ies in bib­li­og­ra­phy (14) 1961

Carnie, Robert H. ‘Scot­tish print­ers and book­sellers 1668–1775’: a sec­ond sup­ple­ment (II)’ Stud­ies in bib­li­og­ra­phy (15) 1962

Carnie, Robert H. ‘Scot­tish print­ers and book­sellers 1668–1775: a study of source mate­r­i­al’ Bib­lio­theck

Carnie, Robert H. ‘Sta­tion­ers and book­binders in the records of the ham­mer­men of St. Andrews: 1538–1864’  Bib­lio­theck 3/2 (1960)

Carnie, Robert H. ‘The Rae Press: two unrecord­ed pro­duc­tion­si Bib­lio­theck 4/5 (1965)

Carnie, Robert H & H P Doig. ‘Scot­tish print­ers and book­sellers 1668–1775: a sup­ple­ment’ Stud­ies in bib­li­o­graphy 12 (1959)

Carter, John. William Ged and the inven­tion of stereo­type. ‘Reprint­ed … from the trans­ac­tions of the Bib­li­o­graph­i­cal Soci­ety, The Library (Sep­tem­ber 1960)

Carter, John. William Ged and the inven­tion of stereo­type: a post­script. Reprint­ed from  ‘Bib­li­o­graph­i­cal notes’ 1960

Cas­tril­lo, Maria. ‘In union is strength’: trade union records of the print­ing and book­bind­ing indus­tries in the Nation­al Library of Scot­land’ Scot­tish archives, 15 (2009)

Cham­bers, David. Pit­sli­go Press, George Hay Forbes. [S.l. : s.n., 198-?]

Cham­bers, Robert. Man of let­ters: the ear­ly life and love let­ters of Robert Cham­bers. Ed C.H. Lay­man. Edin­burgh: Edin­burgh Uni­ver­si­ty Press, 1990

Cham­bers, William. Mem­oir of Robert Cham­bers: with auto­bi­o­graph­ic rem­i­nis­cences of William Cham­bers. Lon­don; Edin­burgh: W. & R. Cham­bers, 1872 [and oth­er editions]

Cham­bers, William. Mem­oir of William and Robert Cham­bers. Edin­burgh: W & R Cham­bers, 1883 [and oth­er editions]

Cham­bers, William. Sto­ry of a long and busy life. Edin­burgh: W & R Cham­bers, 1882

Civic Press Lim­it­ed. The print­ing house the trade unions built. [A brochure.] Glas­gow: The Civic Press, 1958

Clark Con­sta­ble, print­ers since 1760. [Edin­burgh: Clark Con­sta­ble, 198-]

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Coupar, William J. The Millers of Hadding­ton, Dun­bar and Dun­fermline [i.e. George and James Miller of Hadding­ton and Dun­bar, and John and John Laing Miller of Dun­fermline]: a record of Scot­tish book­selling. Lon­don, [no pub­lish­er], 1914

Couper, William J. Mrs. Ander­son and the roy­al pre­rog­a­tive in print­ing. (From the pro­ceed­ings of the Roy­al Philo­soph­i­cal Soci­ety of Glas­gow.) Glas­gow, 1918

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Couper, William J. The pre­tender’s print­er: Robert Free­bairn. Signed W.J. Couper. From the Scot­tish his­tor­i­cal review, Jan­u­ary 1918.] Glas­gow: [no pub­lish­er], 1918

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Couper, William J. Robert Walde­grave, King’s Print­er for Scot­land. Glas­gow, 1916

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