2008 — Scotland’s Year of the Printed Word

Print­ing was one of the themes for Doors Open Days in Sep­tem­ber 2008 .

Hot met­al and cold print: the theme for Local His­to­ry Week, 19–26 April 2008 was print­ing and newspapers.

Aberdeen Muse­ums & Libraries
Local Word and Image: 500 Years of Print­ing in Scot­land. Provost Skene’s House, Aberdeen. 17 Novem­ber 2007 — 16 Novem­ber 2008.
Exhi­bi­tion of prints gift­ed by Pea­cock Visu­al Arts to Aberdeen Art Gallery.

Aberdeen: Cen­tral Library
Wayz­goose: excur­sions, sports and socials in the print­ing indus­try. Cen­tral Library, Rose­mount Viaduct, Aberdeen, 1 — 31 May 2008. Scot­tish Archive of Print and Pub­lish­ing His­to­ry Records (SAPPHIRE) tour­ing exhibition.
Rival voic­es: his­to­ry of the Aberdeen Press. Exhi­bi­tion telling the sto­ry of Aberdeen Jour­nals, also fea­tur­ing their rivals. Local Stud­ies Depart­ment, Cen­tral Library, Rose­mount Viaduct, Aberdeen, 22 April — 31 May 2008.

Aberdeen­shire: Duff House, near Banff
Book of the Month from the eigh­teenth cen­tu­ry Duni­mar­le Library. Duff House, Banff, all year.

Angus: Mon­trose Library
Wayz­goose: excur­sions, sports and socials in the print­ing indus­try. Mon­trose Library, 214 High Street Mon­trose, 10 — 28 March 2008. Scot­tish Archive of Print and Pub­lish­ing His­to­ry Records (SAPPHIRE) tour­ing exhibition.

Ayr­shire: Dick Insti­tute, Kilmarnock
The Kil­marnock edi­tion, South Muse­um, The Dick Insti­tute, 1 Elm­bank Avenue, Kil­marnock. Dis­play of a work­ing repli­ca of the print­ing press used by pub­lish­er John Wil­son to print Robert Burns’ First Edi­tion (or Kil­marnock Edi­tion) in 1786.
Print­ing, North Muse­um Gallery, The Dick Insti­tute, 1 Elm­bank Avenue, Kil­marnock. An exhi­bi­tion of East Ayr­shire Coun­cil Arts and Muse­um col­lec­tions relat­ing to the his­to­ry of print­ing. 26 Feb — 26 May 2008.
Ink, Main Gallery, The Dick Insti­tute, 1 Elm­bank Avenue, Kil­marnock. High­light­ing the 500th anniver­sary of print­ing, Ink makes ref­er­ence to the way in which we make marks, and the use of rep­e­ti­tion and repro­duc­tion of those marks by hand or by machine. 5 April — 24 May 2008.

Bor­ders: Abbots­ford House
Exhi­bi­tions of Scot­tish imprints from Sir Wal­ter Scot­t’s library, 17 March until 31 Octo­ber 2008.  Scot­t’s library con­tains some ear­ly and rare Scot­tish imprints and cov­ers the peri­od to 1832.  Abbots­ford House, Mel­rose, Roxburghshire

Bor­ders: Innerleithen
Robert Smail’s Print­ing Works (Nation­al Trust for Scot­land), 7–9 High Street, Inner­lei­then. Liv­ing His­to­ry Tours of the ful­ly oper­a­tional Vic­to­ri­an print­ing works on the last Sat­ur­day of the month until the end of Octo­ber 2008.

Bor­ders: Kelso
Work in print: an exhi­bi­tion at Kel­so Town Hall, Kel­so, dur­ing St James Fair, 6 — 7 Sep­tem­ber 2008.
Work in Print, Kel­so Library dur­ing Local His­to­ry Week, 21 — 26 April 2008.

Bor­ders: Mel­rose, Bor­ders Book Festival 21–22 June 2008
Hands-on work­shops run by Robert Smail’s: Print a book­plate — print­ers dev­ils want­ed! Tra­di­tion­al let­ter­press print­ing / Make a mini note­book — bookbinding.

Bor­ders: Peebles
Read all about it: the Nation­al Library of Scot­land’s news­pa­per exhi­bi­tion. Jan­u­ary to March 2008, Tweed­dale Muse­um and Gallery, Cham­bers Insti­tute, High Street, Peebles.

Bor­ders: Scot­tish Bor­ders Coun­cil Muse­ums and Galleries
The Pow­er of the Press: 500 years of print­ing in Scot­land, tour­ing exhi­bi­tion and learn­ing project for schools.
Old Gala House, Scott House, Galashiels, 22 March-24 May.
Harestanes Vis­i­tor Cen­tre, Ancrum, Jed­burgh, 5 July-25 August.
Cold­stream Muse­um, 12 Mar­ket Square, Cold­stream, 30 August-24 October.
Tweed­dale Muse­um and Gallery, Cham­bers Insti­tute, High Street, Pee­bles, 1 Novem­ber-Jan­u­ary 2009.
Haw­ick Muse­um, Wilton Lodge Park, Haw­ick, Jan­u­ary-May 2009.

Caith­ness: Wick Her­itage Society
Per­ma­nent dis­play, which includes a brief his­to­ry and time­line of print­ing in Caith­ness 1825–2008, a print­ing press and oth­er arte­facts, and a dis­play relat­ed to the pub­li­ca­tion of the John O’Groat Jour­nal from 1832 to date.

Dum­fries: Ewart Library
Read all about it: the Nation­al Library of Scot­land’s news­pa­per exhi­bi­tion. 1 — 13 May 2008. Ewart Library, Cather­ine Street, Dumfries.

Dum­fries: Grace­field Arts Centre
Con­flu­ence: exhi­bi­tion at Grace­field Arts Cen­tre, Dum­fries, May 24 — June 28 2008 before tour­ing a num­ber of gal­leries in Scot­land. Col­lab­o­ra­tion by four artists — Alfons Bytau­tas, Nor­man McBeath, George Macpher­son and Bill Scot.

Dundee: Dundee Cen­tral Library
Dei Don­um — cel­e­brat­ing 500 years of print­ing in Scot­land. Exhi­bi­tion at Dundee Dundee Cen­tral Library, Dundee Cen­tral Library, The Well­gate, Dundee, 31 March to 26 April 2008.

Dundee: Dundee Con­tem­po­rary Arts
First Edi­tion: 500 Years of Print in Scot­land. Pub­lic day of print­ing, with read­ing from the poem after 7pm on 4 April 2008. Event based cre­ative­ly on the orig­i­nal first print­ed doc­u­ment in Scot­land, John Lydgate’s poem The Com­plaint of the Black Knight, print­ed on 4 April 1508. Artist print­mak­ers Scott Hud­son and Paul Liam Har­ri­son, in col­lab­o­ra­tion with design­er Andy Rice, pro­duced a series of screen­prints based on the orig­i­nal texts and print devices. Visu­al Research Cen­tre, Uni­ver­si­ty of Dundee, Dundee Con­tem­po­rary Arts, 152 Nether­gate, Dundee.

Dundee: Friends of Dundee City Archives
Dundee in print. Day con­fer­ence on 19 April 2008 in the Gla­site Hall, St. Andrew’s Church, King Street, Dundee.

Dundee: Tay­side Med­ical His­to­ry Museum
Med­ical Impres­sions — the his­to­ry of print­ing in med­ical edu­ca­tion in Scot­land. Tay­side Med­ical His­to­ry Muse­um, Med­ical School Foy­er, Ninewells Hos­pi­tal, Dundee. 28 March — 4 October.

Dundee: Uni­ver­si­ty of Dundee Library
Predica­ments in Prints: car­ing for our print­ed her­itage: exhi­bi­tion of print­ed mat­ter con­served by the Book and Paper Con­ser­va­tion Stu­dio. Tow­er Foy­er Gallery, Uni­ver­si­ty of Dundee, 12 June — 26 July 2008.

Dundee: Uni­ver­si­ty of Dundee Library 
Artis­tic Impres­sions: print in art, from etch­ings and screen­prints to lim­it­ed edi­tion artists books. 11 April — 31 May 2008. Main Library, Uni­ver­si­ty of Dundee, Smalls Wynd, Dundee. Cen­tre for Artists Books Open After­noon, 23 May, as part of the Artis­tic Impres­sions exhi­bi­tion in the main Uni­ver­si­ty Library.

Edin­burgh: 4 April Print­ing Roadshow
Print­ing road­show, spon­sored by Hei­del­berg UK,on Edin­burgh’s Princes Street beside the Nation­al Gal­leries.  Free demon­stra­tion of a mod­ern lith­o­graph­ic print­ing press, print­ing sou­venir posters to take away. Fri­day 4 April and Sat­ur­day 5 April 2008.

Edin­burgh: 12th Medieval & Renais­sance Scot­tish Lan­guage & Lit­er­a­ture Inter­na­tion­al Conference
The Twelfth Tri­en­ni­al Con­fer­ence on Medieval and Renais­sance Scot­tish Lan­guage and Lit­er­a­ture, June 30 to July 4, 2008. Con­fer­ence host­ed by the Uni­ver­si­ty of Edin­burgh’s School of Lit­er­a­tures, Lan­guages and Cultures.

Edin­burgh: Advo­cates Library
Law and print­ing in Scot­land — exhi­bi­tion high­light­ing the link between the Scot­tish print­ing trade and the prac­tice of law in Scot­land. Par­lia­ment Hall, Par­lia­ment Square, Edin­burgh, 11 August — 27 Sep­tem­ber 2008.

Edin­burgh: Cel­e­bra­to­ry Dinner
On 4 April 2008, mark­ing the 500th anniver­sary of the print­ing of John Lydgate’s ‘Com­plaint of the Black Knight’, the Cen­tre for the His­to­ry of the Book at Edin­burgh Uni­ver­si­ty host­ed a din­ner in the Play­fair Library Hall, Uni­ver­si­ty of Edin­burgh. The Guest of Hon­our was Mag­nus Linklater.

Edin­burgh: Chep­man & Myl­lar Press
The only work­ing Mono­type instal­la­tion in Scot­land, and a pri­vate press, cel­e­brat­ing 40 years in busi­ness. Vis­i­tors and demon­stra­tions by appointment.

Edin­burgh: CILIP Rare Books Group Annu­al Conference
Imprent­ing with­in our Realme: books from Scot­land. The annu­al study con­fer­ence of CILIP Rare Books and Spe­cial Col­lec­tions Group, held at the Roy­al Col­lege of Physi­cians of Edin­burgh, 10–12 Sep­tem­ber 2008.

Edin­burgh: City of Edin­burgh Council
A com­mem­o­ra­tive plaque was unveiled on 4 April 2008 in Edin­burgh’s Cow­gate near the site of Wal­ter Chep­man and Androw Myl­lar’s print­ing press. The plaque is sit­ed at the cor­ner of Black­fri­ars Street and the Cowgate.

Edin­burgh: City of Edin­burgh Libraries
Scot­tish Pop­u­lar Press: a dis­play on the devel­op­ment of print­ing in Scot­land illus­trat­ed by exam­ples from the pop­u­lar press through the ages, 1 Sep­tem­ber — 31 Octo­ber 2008.
Work­shops: Adult Print­ing Work­shop with Tes­sa Asquith-Lamb; and Inky Fin­gers! fam­i­ly print­ing day. Edin­burgh Cen­tral Library, George IV Bridge, Edinburgh.

Edin­burgh: Edin­burgh Bib­li­o­graph­i­cal Society
Lec­tures in the 2007/2008 series relat­ed to the theme of print­ing in Scot­land over the last 500 years.

Edin­burgh: Edin­burgh Col­lege of Art
Edin­burgh Col­lege of Art marked the open­ing of its new print work­shop facil­i­ties with Open Here, an exhi­bi­tion cel­e­brat­ing print­mak­ing in Scot­land. eca Main Build­ing Foy­er and print­work­shop, Lau­ris­ton Place, Edin­burgh, 4–12 Octo­ber 2008; and Open Here… week­end work­shops, 4–5, and 11–12 Octo­ber 2008.

Edin­burgh: Edin­burgh Inter­na­tion­al Book Festival
The Edin­burgh Book Fes­ti­val pro­gramme includ­ed book­mak­ing and print­ing work­shops for chil­dren and fam­i­lies. 9–25 August 2008, Char­lotte Square, Edinburgh.

Edin­burgh: Edin­burgh Printmakers
Gallery 1: Vel­vet: group exhi­bi­tion of prints by artists using mez­zotint. Stu­art Duf­fin, Nan Mul­der, Judith Rothchild and Kou­ki Tsuri­tani. 24 May — 5 July 2008; Gal­leries 2 and 3: Akram Rah­man­zadeh, imprint. Exhi­bi­tion of wood­cuts, dry­points and mono­prints. 24 May — 5 July 2008; Open Day: Sat­ur­day 14 June 2008; All Gal­leries: Exhi­bi­tion of new prints by Chad McCail com­mis­sioned by Edin­burgh Print­mak­ers, 19 July — 6 Sep­tem­ber 2008.
Print­mak­ing cours­es: Sum­mer school, Week­end cours­es, evening class­es, and taster class­es. Edin­burgh Print­mak­ers, Work­shop and Gallery, 23 Union Street, Edinburgh.

Edin­burgh: Edin­burgh’s Fes­ti­val of Libraries
Week long pro­gramme of events across the city, 8–14 Novem­ber 2008, start­ing on Sat­ur­day 8 Novem­ber with the Edin­burgh Libraries Fair, with work­shops, talks, exhi­bi­tions, per­for­mances and tours, includ­ing guid­ed walks based on the Trust’s Edin­burgh Print­ing Trail leaflet, avail­able through the online shop.

Edin­burgh: Heri­ot-Watt University
Wayz­goose: excur­sions, sports and socials in the print­ing indus­try. The Library, Heri­ot-Watt Uni­ver­si­ty, Ric­car­ton Cam­pus, Edin­burgh, EH14 4AS, 15 — 29 Feb­ru­ary 2008. Scot­tish Archive of Print and Pub­lish­ing His­to­ry Records (SAPPHIRE) tour­ing exhibition.

Edin­burgh: Muse­um of Edinburgh
The Peo­ple Behind the Books — the book trade in Scot­land: exhi­bi­tion chart­ing the his­to­ry of the peo­ple who worked in the var­i­ous indus­tries involved in the cre­ation of books and oth­er print­ed mate­r­i­al in Scot­land, and doc­u­ment­ing the work­ing lives of indi­vid­u­als involved in book pro­duc­tion. Scot­tish Archive of Print and Pub­lish­ing His­to­ry Records (SAPPHIRE) in asso­ci­a­tion with the Muse­um of Edin­burgh, 142 Canon­gate, Roy­al Mile, Edin­burgh, 13 Sep­tem­ber  2008 — 31 March 2009.

Edin­burgh Napi­er University
Cities of Lit­er­a­ture, Cities of Read­ing: one-day sym­po­sium organ­ised by the Scot­tish Cen­tre for the Book in part­ner­ship with the Scot­tish Arts Coun­cil and Edin­burgh City of Lit­er­a­ture, Craiglock­hart Cam­pus, Edin­burgh Napi­er Uni­ver­si­ty, 20 June 2008.
Wayz­goose: excur­sions, sports and socials in the print­ing indus­try. Library, Mer­chis­ton Cam­pus Col­in­ton Road, Napi­er Uni­ver­si­ty, Edin­burgh, 7–18 Jan­u­ary 2008.  Scot­tish Archive of Print and Pub­lish­ing His­to­ry Records (SAPPHIRE) tour­ing exhibition.
Bound for Glo­ry — the Bible as Book in Scot­land: exhi­bi­tion cel­e­brat­ing the sig­nif­i­cant role that the Bible played in the devel­op­ment of print­ing and pub­lish­ing. It is the only book that has remained con­tin­u­al­ly in print over the past five hun­dred years. Exhibits drawn from the wider Edward Clark Col­lec­tion of rare books. Library, Mer­chis­ton Cam­pus, Napi­er Uni­ver­si­ty, until Decem­ber 14, 2007.

Edin­burgh: Nation­al Library of Scotland
On 4 April 2008, the orig­i­nal of John Lydgate’s The com­plaint of the Black Knight, print­ed by Chep­man and Myl­lar, 4 April 1508 was on view to the pub­lic. The dig­i­tal ver­sion can be viewed on the Nation­al LIbrary’s website.
Spread of Scot­tish Print­ing: web fea­ture, list­ing all cities, towns, and oth­er places in Scot­land with a print­ing press before 1900, and iden­ti­fy­ing  their first presses.
Dis­play of engrav­ing tools from the Bartholomew col­lec­tions, Map Library, Nation­al Library of Scot­land, 9 Sal­is­bury Place, Edinburgh.
Impren­tit: 500 Years of the Scot­tish Print­ed Word: exhi­bi­tion show­ing the role print has played in peo­ple’s lives, whilst show­ing off the remark­able breadth and depth of the NLS col­lec­tions, 27 June — 12 Octo­ber, Nation­al Library of Scot­land, George IV Bridge, Edinburgh.

Edin­burgh: Nation­al Muse­ums of Scotland
Print­ed wish­es: mak­ing your own beau­ti­ful­ly print­ed post­card to send to a loved one or friend, Hawthorn­den Court, 12–14 Feb­ru­ary and 21–23 Octo­ber 2008, Nation­al Muse­um of Scot­land, Cham­bers Street, Edinburgh.
Labels mark­ing 500 years of print­ing in Scot­land were put by rel­e­vant objects in the museum.

Edin­burgh: Nation­al Trust for Scotland 
Last­ing Impres­sions — the Nation­al Trust for Scot­land and the print­ed word: exhi­bi­tion based on items from Robert Smail’s Print­ing Works at Wemyss House, 28 Char­lotte Square, Edin­burgh, 1 August until 8 Novem­ber 2008. Hands-on activ­i­ties for vis­i­tors, drop-in print­ing and book­bind­ing demon­stra­tions and a series of talks on print­ing, paper con­ser­va­tion and the Trust’s libraries and archives.

Edin­burgh: Pub­lish­ing Scotland 
Pub­lish­ing Scot­land in col­lab­o­ra­tion with Edin­burgh Uni­ver­si­ty and Edin­burgh UNESCO City of Lit­er­a­ture host­ed a mas­sive Book Swap on 1 April 2008 at Adam House, 3 Cham­bers Street, Edin­burgh. Scot­tish pub­lish­ers donat­ed books of all kinds to get the event started.

Edin­burgh: Queen Mar­garet University
Wayz­goose: excur­sions, sports and socials in the print­ing indus­try.  The Library, Queen Mar­garet Uni­ver­si­ty, Edin­burgh, 4 — 15 July 2008. Scot­tish Archive of Print and Pub­lish­ing His­to­ry Records (SAPPHIRE) tour­ing exhibition.

Edin­burgh: Roy­al Botan­ic Garden
Exhi­bi­tion dis­play­ing horticultural/natural his­to­ry books print­ed in Scot­land. 20A Inver­lei­th Row, Edin­burgh, May and June 2008.

Edin­burgh: Roy­al Col­lege of Physi­cians of Edinburgh
Print­ing and med­i­cine: the impact of print on five cen­turies of west­ern med­i­cine. Roy­al Col­lege of Physi­cians of Edin­burgh, 9 Queen Street  Edin­burgh, April — Octo­ber 2008. Digi­tised items from the library’s col­lec­tions can be viewed online.

Edin­burgh: Roy­al Col­lege of Sur­geons of Edinburgh
Writ­ten on the body — exhi­bi­tion at the Sure­gon’s Hall Muse­um, Roy­al Col­lege of Sur­geons of Edin­burgh, Nicol­son Street, Edin­burgh, August-Decem­ber 2008.

Edin­burgh: Scot­tish Nation­al Gallery of Mod­ern Art
Artists’ Books in Focus. Dean Gallery Read­ing Room, Scot­tish Nation­al Gallery of Mod­ern Art, 75 Belford Road, Edin­burgh, 4 Sep­tem­ber; 2 Octo­ber; 13 Novem­ber 2008.

Edin­burgh: Scot­tish Nation­al Por­trait Gallery
Por­traits of indi­vid­u­als linked to the print­ing trade on show. Autumn 2008.

Edin­burgh: Scot­tish Poet­ry Library
In a Dif­fer­ent Light, exhi­bi­tion of new hand-bound books, cards and screen-prints from Julie John­stone’s Essence Press imprint, 19 April — Sat­ur­day 19 July 2008.
Embrac­ing the Ephemer­al: a prac­ti­cal work­shop with Julie John­stone, edi­tor of Essence Press, cre­at­ing small book forms and cards, 14 June 2008.
The Space of the Page: exhi­bi­tion draw­ing on the Scot­tish Poet­ry Library’s exten­sive twen­ti­eth cen­tu­ry col­lec­tions, 26 Sep­tem­ber — 20 Decem­ber 2008.
By Leaves We Live: a cel­e­bra­tion of art and poet­ry pub­lish­ing. Annu­al one-day fair, 27 Sep­tem­ber 2008. Scot­tish Poet­ry Library, 5 Crich­ton’s Close, Canon­gate, Edinburgh.

Edin­burgh: UNESCO City of Literature 
Jekyll and Hyde: the graph­ic nov­el — discussion/workshop with Cam Kennedy (artist) and Alan Grant (writer), 23rd Feb­ru­ary 2008. Nation­al Library of Scot­land, George IV Bridge, Edinburgh.

Edin­burgh: Uni­ver­si­ty of Edinburgh
Cen­tre for the His­to­ry of the Book, series of seminars.

Edin­burgh: Uni­ver­si­ty of Edin­burgh Library
Web­site fea­ture of the Aberdeen Bre­viary of 1510.

Edin­burgh: Writ­ers Museum
An elec­tric shock of delight: Wal­ter Scott and the Waver­ley nov­els, exhi­bi­tion cen­tred on Sir Wal­ter Scott and the Waver­ley Press at the Writ­ers Muse­um. Lady Stair’s Close, Edin­burgh, 19 July 2008 — 3 Jan­u­ary 2009.

Falkirk: Cal­len­dar House and Park Gallery
Win­ter Warmth returned with an exhi­bi­tion to mark the 500th anniver­sary of print in Scot­land, 1 Novem­ber 2008 — 3 Jan­u­ary 2009, show­cas­ing the diverse aspects of con­tem­po­rary print-mak­ing and the use of print­ing in applied arts and crafts. The Park Gallery & Large Gallery, Cal­len­dar House. Cal­len­dar House has areas tak­ing vis­i­tors back in time to the ear­ly 19th cen­tu­ry, includ­ing a print­mak­ers work­shop and work­ing print­ing press.

Glas­gow: Mitchell Library
Mitchell Trea­sure of the Month for April 2008: Blind Har­ry’s Wal­lace. The ear­li­est Scot­tish print­ing to be found in the Mitchell Library, con­sist­ing of 12 frag­men­tary pages of Hen­ry the Min­strel’s poem on William Wal­lace print­ed by Chep­man and Myl­lar in 1508. Mitchell Library, North Street, Glasgow.
The Her­ald 225 years, 1783–2008: a cel­e­bra­tion of Scot­land’s lead­ing qual­i­ty news­pa­per, August-Sep­tem­ber 2008, Main Hall, Mitchell Library, North Street, Glasgow.
Guid, Black Prent: the Mitchell cel­e­brates 500 years of Print­ing in Scot­land. From Chap­books to Dab­bities — a rare glimpse of Scot­land’s past in print. August- Decem­ber 2008, Old Glas­gow Room, Mitchell Library, North Street, Glasgow.
City Wide Fam­i­ly Quiz cel­e­brat­ing 500 years of print­ing with prizes to be won.
Design a Book Plate: get arty in the Mitchell — prizes to be won and an oppor­tu­ni­ty to have your work dis­played in the Mitchell.

Glas­gow: Glas­gow Met­ro­pol­i­tan College
Print­ing road­show, spon­sored by Hei­del­berg UK, at Glas­gow Met­ro­pol­i­tan Col­lege, 60 North Hanover Street, 3 April 2008.  Free demon­stra­tion of a mod­ern lith­o­graph­ic print­ing press, print­ing sou­venir posters to take away.
Exhi­bi­tion at Glas­gow Met­ro­pol­i­tan Col­lege, the only col­lege in Scot­land pro­vid­ing print­ing edu­ca­tion, at North Hanover Street, Glas­gow dur­ing their stu­den­t’s exhi­bi­tion week com­menc­ing 2 June 2008, com­pris­ing a num­ber of exhibits of stu­dents work with a print­ing theme.

Glas­gow: Glas­gow School of Art
Out of Print fea­tured the works of the research clus­ter of the same name at GSA. 24 March-19 April 2008. Atri­um Gallery, GSA, Foulis Build­ing, 167 Ren­frew Street Glas­gow.  The scope of the work from Edwin Pick­stone, Andy Stark, Marc Baines, Steve Rigley, and Paul Stick­ley moves from the typo­graph­ic ele­ments and tra­di­tions of let­ter­press through com­ic books, land­scape pho­tog­ra­phy and inter­na­tion­al graph­ic for­ag­ing, through to the inter­face between dig­i­tal media, optics and colour theory.

Glas­gow: Glas­gow Wom­en’s Library
Mak­ing our (Book) Marks: a begin­ner’s course to cre­ate per­son­alised designs for our own book col­lec­tions. Course, run in col­lab­o­ra­tion with the Glas­gow Print Stu­dio: work­ing with an expe­ri­enced print­mak­er, par­tic­i­pants were shown how to design and print their own indi­vid­ual ex-lib­ris. Start date: August 2008. Glas­gow Wom­en’s Library, 81 Parnie Street, Glasgow.

Glas­gow: Roy­al Col­lege of Physi­cians & Sur­geons of Glasgow
Scot­tish imprints from the Col­lege Library: med­ical, botan­i­cal and local his­to­ry books on dis­play in the Col­lege Library, 12 May — 23 May 2008. Col­lege Library, Roy­al Col­lege of Physi­cians and Sur­geons of Glas­gow, 232–242 St Vin­cent Street, Glasgow.

Glas­gow: Tron Theatre 
Dis­play of work by Glas­gow School of Art’s Design­er in Res­i­dence for Let­ter­press, Edwin Pick­stone, in the Vic­to­ri­an Bar of the Tron The­atre, 63 Tron­gate, Glasgow.

Glas­gow: Uni­ver­si­ty of Glas­gow Library 
In Aed­ibus Aca­d­e­mi­cis: the Glas­gow Uni­ver­si­ty Press: dis­play in the Spe­cial Col­lec­tions show­case at Glas­gow Uni­ver­si­ty Library, Hill­head Street, Glas­gow, G12 8QE. From mid May until the end of August. A web exhi­bi­tion with the same title, explores in more depth the work of print­ers asso­ci­at­ed and appoint­ed by the Uni­ver­si­ty of Glas­gow, from the first book print­ed in Glas­gow by George Ander­son in 1638 through to the last Glas­gow Uni­ver­si­ty Press, the Macle­hose Company.

High­land: Inver­ness Library
Clò Trom  — Gael­ic Print­ing in the High­lands, 1778–1901 or Clò Trom — Clò-bhual­adh sa Ghàidhlig air a’ Ghàid­heal­tachd, 1778–1901. Exhi­bi­tion at Inver­ness Library on books print­ed in Inver­ness and oth­er High­land towns in Gael­ic (and Eng­lish), also cov­er­ing the out­put of Charles Fras­er Mack­in­tosh (d.1901), pro­lif­ic local his­to­ri­an and Gael­ic speak­er.  Sum­mer 2008 in Inver­ness Library, Far­ra­line Park, Inverness.

Moray: Elgin Library
Read all about it: the Nation­al Library of Scot­land’s news­pa­per exhi­bi­tion. 17 May — 6 June 2008. Elgin Library, Coop­er Park, Elgin, Moray.

From Pen to Print — to Pix­els, the Scot­tish Records Asso­ci­a­tion’s Annu­al Con­fer­ence, was held in Perth Con­cert Hall on 21 Novem­ber 2008. The con­fer­ence focused on the records relat­ing to print­ing and pub­lish­ing in Scotland.

Perth: A K Bell Library
Print­ing in Perth: exhi­bi­tion on the local printers/publishers the Mori­son fam­i­ly in the A K Bell Library dur­ing March. A K Bell Library, York Place, Perth.
Local Stud­ies and 500 years of print­ing: talk to the Friends of the Archive, 28 Feb­ru­ary 2008. A K Bell Library Theatre.
Read all about it, the Nation­al Library of Scot­land’s news­pa­per exhi­bi­tion, 12 June to 31 July 2008. A K Bell Library, York Place, Perth.

Perthshire: Press Here, Coupar Angus
Press Here — a small tra­di­tion­al let­ter­press work­shop. Vis­i­tors are wel­come but please con­tact in advance to arrange a visit.

Perthshire: Inner­p­ef­fray Library
To cel­e­brate the 500th anniver­sary of print­ing in Scot­land the Library dis­played select­ed items from all five cen­turies, includ­ing a huge tome print­ed in 1681, by David Lind­say of Edin­burgh and Perth, Laws of Par­lia­ment from King James the First to King Charles the Sec­ond, and a lit­tle book The Laws & Acts made in the First Par­lia­ment of our Most High and Dread Sov­er­eign James VII, print­ed by Perth’s first print­er Robert Fair­bairn in 1731.

Shet­land: Shet­land Muse­um and Archives
Print­ing: a dis­play of items of local print­ing and some print­ing arte­facts. 25 July — 23 Octo­ber 2008. Shet­land Muse­um and Archives, Hay’s Dock, Hay’s Dock, Ler­wick, Shetland.

St Andrews: Uni­ver­si­ty of St Andrews
Exhi­bi­tion explor­ing the his­to­ry of print­ing in Fife. Exhibits ranged from the first book print­ed in St Andrews in 1552 to the prod­ucts of a con­tem­po­rary pri­vate press. A pro­gramme of events and activ­i­ties accom­pa­nied the exhi­bi­tion. 10 Octo­ber — 18 Decem­ber 2008, Gate­way Gal­leries, North Haugh, St Andrews.

Stir­ling: Stir­ling Smith Art Gallery & Museum
Pub­lish­ing Scot­land: Eneas Mack­ay, Stir­ling 1 Decem­ber 2007–16 April 2008, Stir­ling Smith Art Gallery & Muse­um, Dum­b­ar­ton Road, Stir­ling. Exhi­bi­tion focus­ing on the press of Eneas Mack­ay, father and son, which oper­at­ed in Stir­ling c1880-1943 and became the Stir­ling Observ­er Press. Book­let, and events programme.

Stir­ling: Tolbooth
Mon­u­ment: an exhi­bi­tion by David Belling­ham at the Chang­ing Room in the Tol­booth, Jail Wynd, Stir­ling. The exhi­bi­tion con­sist­ed of bound copies of the Stir­ling Jour­nal and Adver­tiser run­ning from 1852 to 1968, rep­re­sent­ing over 100 years of con­tin­u­ous pub­lish­ing. 13 Sep­tem­ber — 4 Octo­ber 2008.
David Belling­ham also launched Fresh fruit and tables, a new book of texts and draw­ings, pub­lished by Chang­ing Room to coin­cide with the Off the page Book Fes­ti­val in Stirling.