OTD 8 November 1910

The Scot­tish Alliance of Mas­ters in the Print­ing and Kin­dred Trades, now known as Print Scot­land, was formed at a meet­ing held in the North British Hotel (now the Bal­moral Hotel) in Edin­burgh on 8 Novem­ber 1910.

OTD 30 October 1577

30 Octo­ber 1577 Thomas Bassen­dyne died in Edin­burgh on 30 Octo­ber 1577. Togeth­er with Alexan­der Arbuth­not, he print­ed the first trans­la­tion of the Bible in Scot­land, known as the Bassen­dyne Bible. The New Tes­ta­ment, print­ed by Bassen­dyne, was com­plet­ed first, and the Bible as a whole is known as ‘the Bassen­dyne Bible’.

OTD 19 October 1749

William Ged died in Edin­burgh on 19 Octo­ber 1749. He had trained as a gold­smith, but pio­neered a sys­tem of stereo­typ­ing, though he was unsuc­cess­ful in per­suad­ing print­ers to adopt it. It became a stan­dard process ear­ly in the 19th century. 

OTD 12 October 1789

William Collins, founder of the Glas­gow print­ing and pub­lish­ing house, was born.

OTD 15 September 1507

On 15 Sep­tem­ber 1507 James IV grant­ed Wal­ter Chep­man and Andro Myl­lar a licence to set up a print­ing press in Edinburgh.

OTD 29 August 1553

John Scot com­plet­ed the print­ing of the Cat­e­chism on 29 August 1553. It was the first book to be print­ed in St Andrews.

OTD 11 August 1711

Robert Free­bairn was appoint­ed Print­er to the Queen for Scot­land on 11 August 1711 in Edin­burgh. He lat­er print­ed for the ‘Pre­tender’s Army’ at Perth in 1715.

OTD 8 August 1857

On 8 August 1857, there was a major fire in James’s Court, off the Lawn­mar­ket in Edin­burgh’s Old Town, in which the print­ing works of H & J Pil­lans was destroyed.

OTD 30 July 1938

The first edi­tion of the Beano was pub­lished on 30 July 1938, by D C Thom­son of Dundee.

OTD 6 July 1907

On 6 July 1907 the Strat­hearn Her­ald in Crieff was print­ed for the first time on the new­­ly-installed Cos­sar Patent Flat Bed Web News­pa­per Print­ing Machine. The instal­la­tion had been super­vised by its inven­tor, Tom Cos­sar of Gov­an, and it pro­duced every issue until its final run on 28 March 1991. This machine is now […]