Adana printing courses at St Brides

St Bride’s Foun­da­tion are run­ning their one day cours­es on using an Adana plat­en press, includ­ing hand type­set­ting and print­ing, as well as prac­ti­cal points regard­ing main­te­nance of the press, work­shop man­age­ment and what to look out for when pur­chas­ing equip­ment. They are run­ning on 12 & 26 Jan­u­ary, and 23 Feb­ru­ary. More details of […]

Contributors sought for book on 17th century printing

Con­tri­bu­tions are being sought for an ‘Ele­ment’ in the Cam­bridge Uni­ver­si­ty Press Pub­lish­ing and Book Cul­ture series, enti­tled The Peo­ple of Print in the Sev­en­teenth Cen­tu­ry. To pro­pose a 2,750 word essay that pro­files one fig­ure, please email the edi­tors, Dr Kaley Kramer (Sheffield Hal­lam Uni­ver­si­ty, k.a.kramer [at], Dr Adam James Smith (York St […]

St Bride at 125

An exhi­bi­tion cel­e­brat­ing the first 125 years of St Bride Library is run­ning from Decem­ber 1 2021–March 1 2022. The exhi­bi­tion will pro­vide a pot­ted his­to­ry of the St Bride Foun­da­tion, demon­strat­ing the vital role of the library and high­light­ing the activ­i­ties of the Foun­da­tion, includ­ing the pur­­pose-built print school, sport­ing and social clubs. For […]

Bookbinding Competition open for entries

The Nation­al Library of Scot­land’s Eliz­a­beth Soutar Book­bind­ing Com­pe­ti­tion is open for entries. It aims to encour­age the prac­tice and devel­op­ment of cre­ative and craft bind­ing skills. For more details see the Nation­al Library of Scot­land’s web­site. Details of this year’s themes, and how to enter are avail­able on the Nation­al Library’s website.

Quarto Press open to visitors

The Quar­to Press at Coupar Angus is open to vis­i­tors for the Perth & Kin­ross 2021 Doors Open Day week­end, 18 and 19 Sep­tem­ber. For details of the work­shop and how to get there see the Doors Open Day website. 

Wayzgoose at the Glasgow Press

The Glas­gow Press is stay­ing the work­shop for this year’s Wayz­goose on Sat­ur­day 18 Sep­tem­ber for Glas­gow’s 2021 Doors Open Day. Details of the let­ter­press work­shops are on the Doors Open Day website.

Penicuik Printers open for Doors Open Day

The Paper­mak­ing Her­itage Cen­tre at the Pen-y-coe Press in Penicuik is offer­ing tours for Mid­loth­i­an’s 2021 Doors Open Day on 11 Sep­tem­ber. Book­ing is essen­tial. For more details and how to book a place see the Doors Open Day website.

Printing History Prize 2021

The Print­ing His­tor­i­cal Soci­ety Prize for New Schol­ar­ship will be avail­able again this year. Sub­mis­sions are invit­ed in the form of a new arti­cle (4–8,000 words) on a print­­ing-his­­tor­i­­cal sub­ject, suit­able for the Society’s Jour­nal. The win­ning author will receive this year’s Prize, a purse of £500, mem­ber­ship of the Print­ing His­tor­i­cal Soci­ety for one […]

Call for papers — Around the text

Pro­pos­als for papers are invit­ed on the theme of Around the Text for a con­fer­ence to be held in Apple­­by-in-West­­­mor­­land in Cum­bria in ear­ly April 2022. The con­fer­ence will con­sid­er sup­port­ing mate­ri­als and activ­i­ties around the design, pro­duc­tion, and pro­mo­tion of a print­ed text, par­tic­u­lar­ly in the Anglo­phone world. Full details of the con­fer­ence theme […]

Printing for tourists

Book­ing is open for the online con­fer­ence A vis­i­tor attrac­tion: print­ing for tourists which is to take place via Zoom on 20–21 July 2021. Full details of the con­fer­ence pro­gramme and how to book are avail­able on the web­site of the Cen­tre for Print­ing His­to­ry and Culture.