Adana workshops at St Brides

St Brides Foun­da­tion is hold­ing one-day work­shops on print­ing with an Adana press: details of dates and how to book are on their website.

Printing Historical Society website relaunched

The Print­ing His­tor­i­cal Soci­ety has updat­ed its web­site and the new ver­sion has just been released.

Assistant printer wanted at Robert Smail’s

The Nation­al Trust for Scot­land are adver­tis­ing for an Assis­tant Print­er to work at Robert Smail’s Print­ing Works in Inner­lei­then. For details of the job and how to apply see the jobs sec­tion of the Nation­al Trust for Scot­land’s web­site. Clos­ing date is 12 August 2022.

Breaking the news exhibition

A pop-up dis­play based on the British Library’s Break­ing the News exhi­bi­tion is on view at Edin­burgh’s Cen­tral Library. The dis­plays draw upon each library’s indi­vid­ual col­lec­tion and region­al con­nec­tions to cel­e­brate the val­ue of region­al news in com­mu­ni­ties across the UK. It is on dis­play 4 July — 4 August 2022. Break­ing the News […]

Exhibition in Dundee

A free exhi­bi­tion opens on 2 July 2022 at the V & A Dundee, Sin­cere­ly, Valen­tines – From Post­cards to Greet­ings Cards tells the sto­ry of Valen­tines, found­ed in Dundee in 1825 and quick­ly becom­ing one of Dundee’s largest employ­ers. The exhi­bi­tion fea­tures pho­tographs, his­toric post­cards, pro­mo­tion­al com­pa­ny mag­a­zines, book­lets and greet­ings cards from the […]

Introductions to St Brides and the Norwich Printing Museum

The next Typo­graph­ic Sur­pris­es event will be held in con­junc­tion with the Print­ing His­tor­i­cal Soci­ety on Zoom on Thurs­day 16 June 6.30–8pm. It will con­sist of a vir­tu­al tour of the Library at the St Bride’s Insti­tute with Sophie Hawkey-Edwards, Bob Richard­son and Mick Clay­ton, fea­turin­ng high­lights from the library, muse­um col­lec­tions and work­shop. Paul […]

David Philips

The Trustees would like to offer its con­do­lences to the fam­i­ly and friends of David Philips of Crieff. The Trust worked with him and Nation­al Muse­ums Scot­land to save the 1907 Cos­sar Patent Flat Bed Web News­pa­per Print­ing Machine, which had print­ed the Strat­hearn Her­ald for many years, from being scrapped.

Printing Charity’s Rising Star Awards

The Print­ing Char­i­ty are on the look­out for Ris­ing Stars, and want to hear from peo­ple aged 18–30 and work­ing in the print, paper, pack­ag­ing, jour­nal­ism, pub­lish­ing, or graph­ics sec­tor. You can receive fund­ing of up to £1500 towards train­ing to devel­op your skills and reach your career goals. There more details about the awards […]

Booking open for Print Networks 2022

Book­ing is open for the 2022 Print Net­works con­fer­ence in Apple­­by-in-West­­­mor­­land on 26–27 April 2022: the theme is Around the text. The con­fer­ence details and link to book­ing on the web­site of the Cen­tre for Print­ing His­to­ry and Culture.

Edinburgh Printmakers open day

Edin­burgh Print­mak­ers is par­tic­i­pat­ing in Scot­land’s Work­shops Week with an Open Day on Sat­ur­day 9th April from 11am-4pm. Activ­i­ties will include print­mak­ing work­shops, talks and print­mak­ing demon­stra­tions. All events and talks will be book­able in advance from Wednes­day 30 March. For more details see the Edin­burgh Print­mak­ers’ website.