Letterpress workshops at Robert Smail’s

Spend the day with expert staff at Robert Smail’s Print­ing Works for a one-day work­shop in Scot­land’s old­est con­tin­u­al­ly oper­a­tional let­ter­press print­ers. Cre­ate let­ter­press art­work, poster, post­card, or greet­ings card up to A3 size. For all lev­els of abil­i­ty from the age of 14 up. For more details, and how to book see event website.

Typographic Surprises! online event

The lat­est online event in the Typo­graph­ic Sur­pris­es! series takes place via Zoom on 17 Feb­ru­ary 2022  at 6.30. Tim Pye will speak about ‘Print­ing Rem­nants in the Nation­al Trust’ and Edward Pot­ten will speak about ‘Dat­ing the Rylands Apoc­a­lypse Wood­block’. Join­ing is free, but book­ing is required. More details and a link to booking […]

February course at St Brides

St Bride’s Foun­da­tion are run­ning a one day cours­es on using an Adana plat­en press, includ­ing hand type­set­ting and print­ing, as well as prac­ti­cal points regard­ing main­te­nance of the press, work­shop man­age­ment and what to look out for when pur­chas­ing equip­ment. It is run­ning on 23 Feb­ru­ary. More details of the course and how to […]

Printing workshop at Glasgow Press

Join Glas­gow Press on 10 Feb­ru­ary for a let­ter­press work­shop, where you can cre­ate a poster using their antique Columbian and Van­der­cook print­ing press­es. For more details and how to book vis­it the What’s on Glas­gow site.

St Brides Library is closed in February

The read­ing room at St Brides Library will be closed to read­ers dur­ing Feb­ru­ary 2022. The Librar­i­an will still be avail­able to answer queries:  email [email protected].

Peter Isaac Essay Prize 2022

To mark the occa­sion of the twen­­ty-year anniver­sary Pro­fes­sor Peter Isaac’s death, Print Net­works will award a prize for the best essay in the field of the his­to­ry of the British book trades and their region­al, nation­al and inter­na­tion­al net­works. For more details see the Cen­tre for Print­ing His­to­ry and Cuture web­site, or email Dr […]

St Brides Library

The read­ing room at St Brides Library is open every Wednes­day. You can book a 3‑hour slots (12:00–3:00 or 3:30–6:30), by email­ing [email protected].

Seminar on printed illustrations

The next HoPIN webi­nar will be held on Thurs­day, 20 Jan­u­ary 2002, 5–6.30pm (GMT) on Zoom. The themes is ‘Con­trasts in Print’ and the speak­ers are Sue May and Johan­na Holmes. No charge to attend but book­ing is essential.

Adana printing courses at St Brides

St Bride’s Foun­da­tion are run­ning their one day cours­es on using an Adana plat­en press, includ­ing hand type­set­ting and print­ing, as well as prac­ti­cal points regard­ing main­te­nance of the press, work­shop man­age­ment and what to look out for when pur­chas­ing equip­ment. They are run­ning on 12 & 26 Jan­u­ary, and 23 Feb­ru­ary. More details of […]

Contributors sought for book on 17th century printing

Con­tri­bu­tions are being sought for an ‘Ele­ment’ in the Cam­bridge Uni­ver­si­ty Press Pub­lish­ing and Book Cul­ture series, enti­tled The Peo­ple of Print in the Sev­en­teenth Cen­tu­ry. To pro­pose a 2,750 word essay that pro­files one fig­ure, please email the edi­tors, Dr Kaley Kramer (Sheffield Hal­lam Uni­ver­si­ty, k.a.kramer [at] shu.ac.uk), Dr Adam James Smith (York St […]