Archives for December 2024

OTD 28 December 1804

On 28 Decem­ber 1804 Alexan­der Kei­th John­ston, of the Edin­burgh map-print­­ing firm, W & A K John­ston, was born.

OTD 27 December 1638

George Ander­son, the first print­er in the city, was admit­ted as Burgess and Guild Broth­er in Glas­gow on 27 Decem­ber 1638.

OTD 19 December 1904

On 19 Decem­ber 1904 the Scots­man and the Edin­burgh Evening Dis­patch moved from Cock­burn Street to new­ly built premis­es on North Bridge, now the Scots­man Hotel.

OTD 11 December 1862

Edward Clark, son of Robert Clark of the Edin­burgh print­ing firm R & R Clark, was born on 11 Decem­ber 1862. On his death in 1926, he left funds to sup­port the teach­ing of print­ing in Edin­burgh, includ­ing fund­ing a col­lec­tion of books for the use of the stu­dents. The Edward Clark Col­lec­tion is in […]

OTD 7 December 1749

Patrick Neill found­ed the com­pa­ny which was to become Neill & Co on 7 Decem­ber 1749 in Edin­burgh. It occu­pied premis­es in Old Fish­mar­ket Close off the High Street for many years.

OTD 6 December 1752

The Edin­burgh sta­tionery and print­ing firm of George Water­ston & Sons was estab­lished on 6 Decem­ber 1752. Orig­i­nal­ly seal­ing wax man­u­fac­tur­ers, the com­pa­ny soon moved into sta­tionery production .