Archives for January 2023

Printing on subscription: call for papers

The Centre for Printing History and Culture, in association with the Baskerville Society, has put out a call for papers for a conference on the theme Prepaid printing: approaches to the study of subscribers’ lists to be held at Winterbourne House at the University of Birmingham in September 2023. The deadline for proposals is 1 […]

Stone lithography course

Edinburgh Printmakers are running an evening course in stone lithography from the end of February 2023. For more details and how to book see the Edinburgh Printmakers website.

Talk on the origins of the Adana press

Adana was founded in 1922 and still trading today as part of the Caslon group of companies. Bob Richardson will give a talk (in person at St Bride Foundation & online) entitled Print Pound Notes! Celebrating 100 years of Adana on 31 January 2023.  For more details and how to book see the St Bride […]

Etching courses at Edinburgh Printmakers

Edinburgh Printmakers are running weekend courses on etching techniques at the beginning of February and the beginning of March. For more details and how to book, see their website.