Bibliography: L to Q

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Labour Stan­dard Print­ing and Pub­lish­ing Soci­ety. Rules of the Labour Stan­dard Print­ing and Pub­lish­ing Soci­ety, Lim­it­ed, reg­is­tered under the Indus­tri­al and Prov­i­dent Soci­eties Act, 1893. [Edin­burgh : The Soci­ety, 1924]

The largest print­ing ink fac­to­ry in the world’ [ie A B Flem­ing] British and colo­nial print­er and sta­tion­er, 17 Dec 1896

Leach, R H and R J Pierce. The print­ing ink man­u­al. 5th ed. Lon­don; Glas­gow: Blue­print, 1993

Lewis, Lucy. ‘Chep­man and Myl­lar: the first print­ers in Scot­land’ in World of print: diver­si­ty in the book trade, ed John Hinks & Cather­ine Arm­strong, p57-69. New Cas­tle, DE: Oak Knoll, 2006

Liv­ing­stone. Foot­prints on the sands of time 1863–1963 — the sto­ry of the House of Liv­ing­stone, med­ical, sci­en­tif­ic, nurs­ing and den­tal pub­lish­ers. Edin­burgh; Lon­don: Liv­ing­stone, [1963]

Litho Inter­na­tion­al Bul­letin. 1908-

The Lith­o­g­ra­ph­er. 1870–1874

The Lith­o­g­ra­ph­er. [Man­ches­ter: ASLP], 1949–1968

Lith­o­g­ra­ph­er and Off­set Print­er. Lon­don: F W Bridges, 1959–1961

Lorimer & Gillies. Spec­i­mens of our print­ing types, head­pieces, orna­ments &c. Edin­burgh: Lorimer & Gillies, [ca.1910]



M’Bain, William C. ‘Glas­gow Books and Book­men’ Trans­ac­tions of the Old Glas­gow Club, Vol I. Glas­gow: Old Glas­gow Club, 1900–1908

McCall, Lor­na. ’ “Of the mak­ing of books there is no end”: aspects of Edin­burgh’s print­ing his­to­ry.’ Scot­tish book col­lec­tor 6 (June-July 1988)

McCleery, Alis­tair. Print­ing works at Nel­son’s. [S.l.]: [s.n.], 2001

McCleery, Alis­tair, David Finkel­stein and Sarah Bro­mage, eds. Paper­mak­ing on the Water of Lei­th. Edin­burgh: John Don­ald / SAPPHIRE Scot­tish Archive of Print­ing and Pub­lish­ing His­to­ry Records, 2006

M’Conechy, James, sur­geon. An intro­duc­to­ry address deliv­ered on the 19th March, 1825, on the for­ma­tion of a lit­er­ary and sci­en­tif­ic insti­tu­tion among the work­men of the Uni­ver­si­ty print­ing office, Glas­gow: with an account of the insti­tu­tion and some pre­lim­i­nary remarks on pop­u­lar edu­ca­tion; with a reply to the address by James A. Begg, one of the work­men. Glas­gow: print­ed at the Uni­ver­si­ty Press, 1825

M’Corquo­dale & Co. Spec­i­mens of plain and fan­cy type in M’Corquo­dale & Co.‘s print­ing estab­lish­ment, 90 Maxwell Street, Glas­gow. Lon­don: M’Corquo­dale, 1959

McDi­armid, John. Mem­oir of John M’Diarmid, edi­tor of the Dum­fries and Gal­loway Couri­er [by his sons]. Dum­fries: reprint­ed from the Dum­fries and Gal­loway Couri­er, 1852

McDon­ald, Ram­say (ed). Women in the print­ing trades. Lon­don: P S Kemp, 1904

McIl­wrick, Mau­rice. ‘The first Scot­tish print­ers — 1508’ Scot­tish geneal­o­gist, vol.LV/2 (June 2008)

Macken­zie, John. Coun­try edi­tor: relat­ing six­ty-sev­en years of news­pa­per life on a Scot­tish island and the Cana­di­an prairie, 1901–1968. Rothe­say: Bute News­pa­pers, 1968

McK­er­row, Ronald Brun­lees. Print­ers and pub­lish­ers devices in Eng­land & Scot­land 1485–1640.  Lon­don: Bib­li­o­graph­i­cal Soci­ety, 1949

McLa­gan & Cum­ming: famous Scot­tish colour print­ers. (reprint­ed from the British Print­er) [No place, no pub­lish­er, no date]

McLaren, Moray, ed. House of Neill 1749–1949. Bicen­te­nary ed. Edin­burgh: Neill & Co Ltd. 1949

Macle­hose, James. The Glas­gow Uni­ver­si­ty Press 1638–1931, with some notes on Scot­tish print­ing. Glas­gow: Glas­gow Uni­ver­si­ty Press, 1931

Macleod, Jean C. ‘William Gilchrist, 1811–1879, let­ter press print­er and lith­o­g­ra­ph­er, Glas­gow’ Kin­tyre Anti­quar­i­an and Nat­ur­al His­to­ry Soci­ety mag­a­zine, no 70 (Autumn 2011)

McLeod, R D. The Scot­tish pub­lish­ing hous­es. Edin­burgh & Glas­gow: W & R Holmes, 1953

McMullin, B. J. ‘Press fig­ures and con­cur­rent per­fect­ing: Walk­er & Greig, Edin­burgh, 1817–22’ Library, v12/3 (Sept 1990)

McMullin, B. J. ‘A Scot­tish sex­to in fours and twos.’ Library: the trans­ac­tions of the Bib­li­o­graph­i­cal Soci­ety, 7th ser, v2/3 (Sept 2001)

Mann, Alas­tair J. ‘Embroi­dery to enter­prise: the role of women in the book trade of ear­ly mod­ern Scot­land’ in Women in Scot­land, c1100-c1750, ed Eliz­a­beth Ewan and Mau­reen M. Meik­le. East Lin­ton: Tuck­well Press, 1999

Mann, Alas­tair J. The Scot­tish book trade 1500–1720: print com­merce and print con­trol in ear­ly mod­ern Scot­land — an his­to­ri­o­graph­i­cal sur­vey of the ear­ly mod­ern book in Scot­land. East Lin­ton: Tuck­well Press, 2000

Man­son, Thomas Mor­timer Yule. 500 years of print­ing — 114 in Shet­land. Ler­wick: Man­son [1976] [Repr fr the Shet­land times, 15th Octo­ber 1976 in con­nec­tion with ‘Shet­land in print, 1862–1976’,  exhi­bi­tion in Shet­land Muse­um Gallery]

Map­stone, Sal­ly, ed. The Chep­man and Myl­lar prints [CD-ROM]: digi­tised fac­sim­i­les with intro­duc­tion, head­notes, and tran­scrip­tion. [Edin­burgh]: the Scot­tish Text Soci­ety and the Nation­al Library of Scot­land, 2008

Mas­ter Print­ers Annu­al and Typo­graph­i­cal Year­book. 1921–1974

Math­i­son, Hamish ‘Scot­land: [the his­tor­i­cal con­text of pop­u­lar print cul­ture]’ in Ray­mond, Joad, ed. Cheap print in Britain and Ire­land to 1660, ed Joad Ray­mond. Oxford : Oxford Uni­ver­si­ty Press, 2011

Matthews, Nicole ‘Collins and the Com­mon­wealth: pub­lish­ers’ pub­lic­i­ty and the twen­ti­eth-cen­tu­ry cir­cu­la­tion of pop­u­lar fic­tion title’ World of print: diver­si­ty in the book trade, ed John Hinks and Cather­ine Arm­strong. New Catle, DE; Oak Knoll: Lon­don: British Library, 2006

Maxwell, William. An address deliv­ered to the ‘Edin­burgh Typographia’ Wednes­day 30th Octo­ber 1935. Edin­burgh: Heri­ot-Watt Col­lege, 1936

Maxwell, William. Mem­o­ran­dum on the prop­er method of mea­sur­ing mono­type. [Edin­burgh: R&R Clark], 1923

Mem­oir [of Archibald Con­sta­ble]. Lon­don; Edin­burgh: W & R Cham­bers, [ca. 1870]

Mile­stones in colour print­ing, 1457–1859: with a bib­li­og­ra­phy of Nel­son prints. Cam­bridge: Cam­bridge Uni­ver­si­ty Press, 1997

Miller & Richard. List of press­es and print­ing mate­ri­als [includ­ing type spec­i­mens] man­u­fac­tured and kept in stock by Miller and Richard, etc. Edin­burgh: [Miller & Richard], 1859

Miller & Richard. Miller & Richards’ type­founders cat­a­logue (for 1873): fac­sim­i­le reprint of ‘Spec­i­mens of book, news­pa­per, job­bing and orna­men­tal types’ orig­i­nal­ly pub­lished Edin­burgh: Miller and Richard, 1873. Owston Fer­ry Owston Fer­ry, Lincs: Bloom­field Books, 1974

Miller & Richard. Print­ing type spec­i­mens, com­pris­ing a large vari­ety of book and job­bing faces, bor­ders and orna­ments. Edin­burgh: Miller & Richard, [1912, 1914 and lat­er dates to 1937]

Miller & Richard. [Spec­i­mens of book, news­pa­per, job­bing and orna­men­tal types]. Edin­burgh: Miller & Richard, [1895, 1902, 1906]

Miller & Richard. Spec­i­mens of mod­ern, old style and orna­men­tal type cast on point bod­ies. Edin­burgh: Miller & Richard, var­i­ous dates. [1909, 1910, 1912]

Miller & Richard. Spec­i­mens of wood let­ter. Edin­burgh: The Firm, [1910?]

Min­utes of the Edin­burgh Trades Coun­cil, 1859–1873.  Ed Ian Mac­Dougall. Edin­burgh: Scot­tish His­to­ry Soci­ety, 1968

Mitchell, William Smith. His­to­ry of Scot­tish book­bind­ing, 1432–1650. Edin­burgh: pub­lished for the Uni­ver­si­ty of Aberdeen by Oliv­er & Boyd, 1955

Mod­ern Lith­o­g­ra­ph­er. 1905–1959

Moran, James. ‘An assess­ment of Alexan­der Mack­ie’s steam type-com­pos­ing machine’. Jour­nal of the Print­ing His­tor­i­cal Soci­ety, 1 (1965)

Moran, James. NATSOPA: Sev­en­ty-five years: Nation­al Soci­ety of Oper­a­tive Print­ers and Assis­tants, 1889–1964. Lon­don: Nation­al Soci­ety of Oper­a­tive Print­ers and Assis­tants, 1964

Mor­ri­son & Gibb. Direc­tions to the com­pos­i­tors. Edin­burgh: Mor­ri­son & Gibb, [1894]

Mor­ri­son & Gibb. Direc­tions to read­ers and com­pos­i­tors in the employ­ment of Mor­ri­son & Gibb. Rev ed. Edin­burgh: Mor­ri­son & Gibb, 1897

Mor­ri­son & Gibb. The type faces of Mor­ri­son & Gibb Lim­it­ed. Edin­burgh: The Firm, 1967

Moss, Michael S. ‘Seques­tra­tions in the Scot­tish Print­ing and Book Trade’ Pub­lish­ing His­to­ry 15 (1984)

Munro, Ken­ny and Edward O’Don­nel­ly. Words fly from this place: a poet­ic response to 500 years of print­ing in Scot­land [DVD]. Edin­burgh: Nation­al Trust for Scot­land; Nation­al Muse­ums of Scot­land, [2008]

Mur­doch & Pater­son Ltd. Print­ing types. Dundee: [no pub­lish­er], 1953

Mur­doch, Thomas. The ear­ly his­to­ry of lith­o­g­ra­phy in Glas­gow: being the sub­stance of a paper read before the mem­bers of the Old Glas­gow Club, March 18, 1902, etc . Glas­gow: T Mur­doch & Co, 1902

Mur­ray, David. Robert & Andrew Foulis and the Glas­gow Press: with some account of the Glas­gow Acad­e­my of the Fine Arts. Glas­gow: J. Macle­hose & Sons, 1913. See also: ‘Book of the Foulis exhi­bi­tion’, Records of Glas­gow Bib­li­o­graph­i­cal Soci­ety, vol II



Nairn, Audrey. ’ A 1731 copy­right list from Glas­gow Uni­ver­si­ty Archives: the work of a Glas­gow Uni­ver­si­ty print­er’ Bib­lio­theck 2/2 (1959)

Nation­al Library of Scot­land. Four hun­dred and fifty years of Scot­tish print­ing [exhi­bi­tion pam­phlet]. Edin­burgh: Nation­al Library of Scot­land, 1958

NATSOPA Jour­nal and graph­ic review. 1978–1982

Neill & Com­pa­ny. Accents and mis­cel­la­neous sorts. [Type spec­i­mens.] Edin­burgh: Neill & Com­pa­ny, 1936

Neill & Com­pa­ny. Book face spec­i­mens. Edin­burgh: Neill & Com­pa­ny, 1951

Neill & Com­pa­ny. Book of type­faces avail­able on ‘Mono­type’ machines with a ‘Lino­type’ appen­dix. Edin­burgh: Neill & Com­pa­ny, [ca. 1950?]

Neill & Com­pa­ny. Guide to authors: with mem­o­ran­da regard­ing style, punc­tu­a­tion, spelling, word-divi­sion, etc. for the use of com­pos­i­tors and read­ers in the employ­ment of Neill & Co., Ltd., print­ers, estab­lished 1749. Edin­burgh: [The Com­pa­ny], 1917

Neill & Com­pa­ny. His­to­ry of the firm of Neill & Com­pa­ny, Ltd. Edin­burgh: Neill & Com­pa­ny, 1900

Neill & Com­pa­ny. Poly­glot print­ing. Edin­burgh: Neill & Com­pa­ny, [ca.1936?]

Neill & Com­pa­ny. The print­ing house of Neill etc. Edin­burgh: Neill & Com­pa­ny, 1917

Neill & Com­pa­ny. Spec­i­mens of mono­type faces. Edin­burgh: Neill & Com­pa­ny, 1927 and 1939 editions

Neill & Com­pa­ny. Spec­i­mens of new print­ing types (Eng­lish heights) for sale by Neill and Com­pa­ny. [Edin­burgh]: Neill & Com­pa­ny, 1845

Neill & Com­pa­ny. Spec­i­mens of print­ing types, orna­ments, &c. and guide to authors. Edin­burgh: Neill & Com­pa­ny, [ca. 1930]

Neill & Com­pa­ny. Spec­i­mens of types by Neill & Co, print­ers and type­founders, Old Fish­mar­ket, High Street, Edin­burgh. [Edin­burgh]: Print­ed by Neill & Co. [1840]

Neill & Com­pa­ny. Typo­graph­ic guide of Neill & Com­pa­ny Lim­it­ed: a series of spec­i­men pages form­ing a ref­er­ence book for authors and pub­lish­ers. Rev ed. Edin­burgh: Neill & Com­pa­ny, 1909

Neill, Patrick. Revised case for Patrick Neill, print­er in Edin­burgh, pro­pri­etor of the lands of Dam­side and Factorspark,–Defender; in the action of reduc­tion-impro­ba­tion at the instance of Sir James Gar­diner Baird of Saughton­hall, Baronet, and his curators,–Pursuers. [Edin­burgh] : Neill & Co. Print­ers, [1834?]

Nel­son, James. Nel­sons of Edin­burgh: a short his­to­ry of the firm. Edin­burgh: Thomas Nel­son & Sons, [1907]

Newth, J D. Adam & Charles Black 1807–1957: some chap­ters in the his­to­ry of a pub­lish­ing house. Lon­don: Adam & Charles Black, 1957

Nichol, Don­ald W. ‘Aberdeen, imprints and the ESTC: towards a defin­i­tive bib­li­og­ra­phy’ in Aberdeen and the Enlight­en­ment: pro­ceed­ings of a con­fer­ence held at the Uni­ver­si­ty of Aberdeen. Ed. Jen­nifer J. Carter and Joan H. Pit­tock. Aberdeen, 1987

Nicol­son, A (ed). Mem­oir of Adam Black. Edin­burgh, 1885

North, J S. Water­loo Direc­to­ry of Scot­tish News­pa­pers and Peri­od­i­cals 1800–1900. 2v. Water­loo, Ontario: Water­loo Aca­d­e­m­ic Press, 1989



O & B news. Edin­burgh: Oliv­er & Boyd, May 1977-

Oliv­er & Boyd. New works prepar­ing for pub­li­ca­tion: Messrs Oliv­er & Boyd have the fol­low­ing works in the press, which will appear in the course of the win­ter. Edin­burgh : Oliv­er & Boyd, 1828

Oliv­er & Boyd. [Sale cat­a­logues]. Edin­burgh: Oliv­er & Boyd, 1819-

Oliv­er & Boyd. The­o­log­i­cal works late­ly pub­lished by Oliv­er & Boyd, Edin­burgh; and Simp­kin & Simp­kin & Mar­shall, Lon­don. Edin­burgh: Oliv­er & Boyd, 1831

Oliv­er & Boyd. Works pub­lished this sea­son by Oliv­er & Boyd, Edin­burgh and Simp­kin & Mar­shall, Lon­don. Edin­burgh: Oliv­er & Boyd, 1829

Oliv­er & Boyd. Works recent­ly pub­lished by Oliv­er & Boyd, High Street, Edin­burgh. [Edin­burgh: Oliv­er & Boyd, 1822?]



The page right print­ed: an exhi­bi­tion of the work of the pri­vate press­es from William Mor­ris to the present day [held at] Glas­gow School of Art, 1st-12th May 1973. [Glas­gow] Glas­gow School of Art, 1973

Paper­mak­ing fibres. Mark­inch: Tullis Rus­sell, 1950

Park­er, W. M. The House of Oliv­er & Boyd: a record from 1778 to 1948. [S.l.]: [s.n.], 195?

Parkin­son, David J. ‘Scot­tish prints and enter­tain­ments, 1508.’ Neophilo­lo­gus, v.75/2, (April 1991)

Pater­son, A B. The tale o’ the toon: St. Andrews through the eyes of A.B. Pater­son : news­pa­per reporter in the town from 1925 to 1981. 3v. St Andrews: A B Pat­ter­son; Kirk­caldy Allen Litho, 1982–1984

The peo­ple behind the pages: mak­ing books in Scot­land. Edin­burgh: SAPPHIRE, [2008?]

Phillips, Alas­tair. Glas­gow’s Her­ald 1783–1983. Glas­gow: Drew, 1983?

Pil­lans & Wil­son. Bodoni: with exam­ples show­ing its use. Edin­burgh: Pil­lans & Wil­son, n.d.

Pil­lans & Wil­son. The Gara­mond series, with exam­ples. Edin­burgh: Pil­lans & Wil­son, [ca. 1925]

Pil­lans & Wil­son. The print­er and his cus­tomers: an occa­sion­al mis­cel­lany, num­ber two. Edin­burgh: [Pil­lans & Wil­son], 1961

Pil­lans & Wil­son. A print­ing house of old and new Edin­burgh, 1775–1925: pub­lished … to com­mem­o­rate the hun­dred and fifti­eth anniver­sary of the foun­da­tions of the firm. [Edin­burgh: Pil­lans & Wil­son, 1926]

Pil­lans & Wil­son. Sum­mons: Health & Com­pa­ny against Dys­pep­sia, Wor­ry, & Com­pa­ny. [Pro­gramme] [Edin­burgh: Pil­lans & Wil­son, 1893]

Pil­lans & Wil­son. Type spec­i­mens, etc. Edin­burgh, [19–]

Plom­er, H R. A dic­tio­nary of the print­ers and book­sellers who were at work in Eng­land, Scot­land and Ire­land from 1641 to 1667. Lon­don: Bib­li­o­graph­i­cal Soci­ety 1907. Lat­er edi­tion: Lon­don, 1968

Plom­er, H R, with the help of H G Ald­is and oth­ers. A dic­tio­nary of the print­ers and book­sellers who were at work in Eng­land, Scot­land and Ire­land from 1688 to 1725. Oxford: Oxford Uni­ver­si­ty Press, 1922. Lat­er edi­tion: Lon­don, 1968, ed Arun­del Esdaile

Plom­er, H R, G H Bush­nell and E R McC Dix. A dic­tio­nary of the print­ers and book­sellers who were at work in Eng­land, Scot­land and Ire­land from 1726–1775. Oxford: Oxford Uni­ver­si­ty Press, 1932. Lat­er edi­tion: Lon­don: Bib­li­o­graph­i­cal Soci­ety, 1968

Pol­lard A W, and G R Red­grave (com­pil­ers). A short-title cat­a­logue of books print­ed in Eng­land, Scot­land, & Ire­land and of Eng­lish books print­ed abroad, 1475–1640. 2nd ed rev & enl, begun by W. A. Jack­son & F. S. Fer­gu­son ; com­plet­ed by Katharine F. Pantzer. Lon­don: Bib­li­o­graph­i­cal Soci­ety, 1976–1991

Print buy­er’s guide to Scot­tish print­ing facil­i­ties. Edin­burgh: Soci­ety of Mas­ter Print­ers in Scot­land with the sup­port of the Scot­tish Devel­op­ment Agency, 1984–1988

Print fin­ish­ers and machine assis­tants: agree­ment between the British Print­ing Indus­tries Fed­er­a­tion, the Nation­al Soci­ety of Oper­a­tive Print­ers, Graph­i­cal and Media Per­son­nel and the Soci­ety of Graph­i­cal and Allied Trades cov­er­ing Eng­land and Wales (exclud­ing Lon­don) made on 24th April 1979. [Lon­don : British Print­ing Indus­tries Fed­er­a­tion], 1979

The Print­er (Edin­burgh Print­ing and Kin­dred Trades Con­tin­u­a­tion Class­es). 18??-

Print­ers’ inter­na­tion­al spec­i­men exchange. 1880–1895

Print­ers pie (Portree). 1983-

The Print­ers’ Reg­is­ter, with which is incor­po­rat­ed the News­pa­per press. 1884–1900

Print­ers year­book (BPIF). 1982-

Print­ing and Kin­dred Trades Fed­er­a­tion.  Annu­al Report [and] report of the Admin­is­tra­tive Coun­cil. Lon­don, 1911–1969/70

Print­ing and Kin­dred Trades Fed­er­a­tion — Glas­gow and Dis­trict Branch. [Mis­cel­la­neous pam­phlets.] Glas­gow: P&KTF, [1965]

Print­ing His­to­ry News. 2003-

Print­ing in Scot­land: the mar­ket chal­lenge. Glas­gow: Scot­tish Devel­op­ment Agency, [1983]

Print­ing Indus­tries Annu­al (BPIF). [1975]-1981

Print­ing Indus­tries Research Asso­ci­a­tion. Ener­gy use in the gen­er­al print­ing and pub­lish­ing indus­try: a report pre­pared by the Research Asso­ci­a­tion for the Paper and Board, Print­ing and Pack­ag­ing Indus­tries for the Depart­ment of Indus­try. Lon­don: Depart­ment of Trade and Indus­try, 1983

Print­ing Times. Lon­don: A Gads­by, 1873–1874

The Print­ing Times and Lith­o­g­ra­ph­er. 1875–1900

Print­ing World. 1954-

Pro­posed amal­ga­ma­tion: notice to mem­bers. [Soci­ety of Graph­i­cal and Allied Trades 1975 and The Nation­al Soci­ety of Oper­a­tive Print­ers, Graph­i­cal and Media Per­son­nel.] Lon­don: SOGAT, 1982?

Pro­posed amal­ga­ma­tion of SOGAT + NATSOPA: our futures depend on this union: SOGAT 1982. Lon­don: SOGAT, 1982?



Quar­to: the news­pa­per of the House of Collins. Glas­gow, W. Collins, 197?-